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《灵界经历》 第4368节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4368

4368. Horror for adulteries and like evils is implanted in the human intellect

By actual experience in myself, I was shown that a horror for things that are against nature is not a property natural to man, as it is to wild animals, and therefore does not reside in the voluntary or earthly part. The moment it was heard that someone was an adulterer, because it was against the laws, a certain horror or aversion could be felt, so that it pertained to the intellect, and to the conscience there, not to the voluntary [or will] part.

So in other cases, if it were in the will part, then they would be horrified by nature, which does not happen. In the people of the most ancient Church it was seated in the earthly part. 1749, 21 Aug. This is the reason why higher knowledge of faith must precede, namely, that mental imagery is not inborn, that man knows nothing at all in early childhood, but must learn all things so that it may be implanted, and he may draw the resulting aura. Again I experienced this, that the horror does not occur in sleep. If it were in the human will part, there would be horror in dreams, nor could the person be brought to other thoughts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4368


It was shown me by a lively experience in myself, that a horror of such things as are against nature is not natural to man as it is to brutes, that is to say, that it is not seated in his voluntary or [more] natural principle. Thus in the case of the adulterer, for instance, it has been heretofore understood that he was liable to a peculiar kind of horror or aversation from the circumstance that his crime was against the laws, consequently the sentiment pertained to the intellectual department, and the conscience [seated] there, and not to the voluntary; and so also in other things. If the voluntary principle were the seat of the sentiment, then there would be a shuddering from natural instinct, which is not the case. In the men, however, of the Most Ancient Church it was in the natural principle. - 1749, August 21. It is for this reason that the knowledge of faith precedes [everything else in religious matters]; viz. that ideas are not connate, that man knows nothing at all in infancy; he learns everything, in order to the implantation [of good] and to the derivation thence of a sphere. Moreover, I was made aware of the same fact from my experience during sleep, in which this horror is not felt; whereas if it belonged to man's voluntary part, the horror would be felt in dreams, nor could any exercise of thought prevent it.

Experientiae Spirituales 4368 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4368. Quod horror pro adulteriis et similibus intellectuali parti hominis implantatus sit

Ostensum mihi per vivam experientiam in me, quod horror pro talibus quae sunt contra naturam, non sit naturalis homini, sicut brutis, proinde quod non sit in ejus voluntaria parte, seu in naturali, ut primum auditum quod adulterum, ex eo quod contra leges, quidam horror potuit esse, vel aversatio, ita erat intellectuali parti, et conscientiae ibi, non voluntariae, ita in aliis, si in voluntaria, tunc ex natura horrescerent, quod non fit, in antiquissimae Ecclesiae homine fuit in naturali parte. 1749, 21 Aug. Ea causa est quod cognitio fidei praecedet, quod ideae non sint connatae, quod homo nihil usquam sciat in infantia, omnia discet, ut implantentur, ut trahat inde sphaeram. Iterum hoc expertus, quod horror non sit in somno, si in voluntaria parte hominis, foret horror in somniis, nec adduci posset ad aliud cogitandum.

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