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《灵界经历》 第4367节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4367

4367. A certain unnatural, most filthy one

A certain one having absolutely no conscience in bodily life, had thought constantly of plundering others of their goods, not caring at all what or whose they were - but doing so in secret. He was like his old self, secretly thinking up nothing but tricks and intrigues of the worst kind. He was with me for a long time, so oriented that he was outside in and inside out, which can happen, and then he looked horrible. Later on he was upside down, with feet upward instead of the head, and finally, his head having become an unnatural excremental mass, he sank down into a like hell beneath the buttocks. 1749, 21 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the moon, meaning Monday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4367


A certain one who in the life of the body had been totally destitute of conscience, was continually intent upon despoiling others of their goods, regardless entirely of what they were or to whom they belonged, but still working in secret. In this respect he resembled Job [similis Job fuit], 1devising in secret the most detestable deceits and plots. He was for a long time with me, turned [as it were] inside out and outside in, which can be done [in the other life], though it gave him a horrid appearance. He afterwards assumed another aspect, his head being downwards and his feet upwards where his head should be, and his head having finally become an unnatural excrementitious mass sunk into a similar hell under the nates. - 1749, August 21.


1. From the note of Dr. Tafel on this passage it appears that the reading is doubtful, and that he knows not what to make of it; "Jobi pro Sobi; quid sibi velit nescio."-TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 4367 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4367. Quidam innaturalis spurcissimus

Quidam in vita corporis nulla prorsus conscientia, cogitarat continue spoliare alios suis bonis, nihil curans quid, sed in occulto, similis sibi fuit, in occulto non nisi quam dolos et machinationes pessimas cogitans in occulto, longo tempore apud me fuit, versus ita ut quod extra esset intra, et quod intra esset extra, quod fieri potest, tunc visus horrendus; postea aliter caput ejus deorsus, et pedes sursum pro capite, et tandem caput factum innaturale excrementitium subsidit in tale infernum sub natibus. 1749, 21 Aug.

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