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《灵界经历》 第4391节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4391

4391. About the Last Judgment

Whatever the Lord said about the Last Judgment [Matt. 24, Luke 22], it never meant the destruction of the world, but the last time of the Church in general, and of each one individually, that is, when there is no more faith, that is, no caring for others. For example, by what the Lord said of the raging of the sea is meant that of heresies and controversies, especially those arising from scientific matters. That the Sun will be darkened means that love and charity [will be extinguished]; that the Moon, means that faith will be; that the stars, means that higher knowledge of faith will be; nation against nation means the evil against the evil, and so on. Things were said in this way for many secret reasons, about which this is not the place to write. The same is the case in John, and in the Prophets, where it treats of the new heaven and the new earth, the new Jerusalem, that is, the Church.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4391


Whatsoever the Lord said concerning the Last Judgment, is no where to be understood concerning the destruction of the world, but concerning the last time of the church in general, and of each church in particular, which is when there is no longer any faith, that is, when there is no charity. For example, what the Lord said about the tossing of the sea is to be understood of heresies and controversies, especially of those which arise from scientifics. So the obscuration of the sun means that love and charity [shall be extinguished]; that of the moon, that faith, and that of the stars, that the knowledges of faith [shall perish]; nation rising against nation, that the evil shall be against the evil, and so on. He spoke thus for many hidden reasons, concerning which it would not be in place here to write. In like manner in John and the prophets where it is treated concerning the new heaven and the new earth and the new Jerusalem, that is, the church.

Experientiae Spirituales 4391 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4391. De Ultimo Judicio

Quicquid Dominus dixit de Ultimo Judicio [Matth. XXIV, Luc. XXI], nusquam intellectus est interitus mundi, sed ultimum tempus Ecclesiae in communi, et cujusvis in singulari; quod est, quando amplius nulla fides, hoc est, nulla charitas; ut quod Dominus loquutus de tumultuatione maris, intelligitur haeresium et controversiarum, imprimis quae ex scientificis: de Sole quod obscurabitur, est quod amor et charitas: quod Luna est quod fides: quod stellae est quod cognitiones fidei, quod gens contra gentem est quod mali contra malos, et sic porro: ita loquutum est multis arcanis causis, de quibus hic non opus: similiter apud Johannem, et Prophetas ubi de novo coelo et nova terra, nova Hierosolyma, hoc est Ecclesia.

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