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《灵界经历》 第4390节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4390

4390. Spirits see the mental imagery of thoughts and the lesser details of mental imagery

Before [the spiritual world] was opened to me so that I spoke with spirits, I was of the opinion no spirit or angel could ever understand and see my thoughts, because they were within me, excepting the Lord Alone, and this only for the reason that it is so stated in the Word [cf. Ps. 139:1-4]. It happened once at that time, that a spirit knew what I was thinking, for he was speaking with me in a few words, which astounded me especially for the reason that spirits were able to read my thoughts, which shows me that others believe as I did. But after very much actual experience, I was instructed that spirits not only see the thoughts, but even the inward qualities of the thoughts and mental imagery, the angels the still more inward qualities, such as the purposes and the progressive orders of purposes, which a person in bodily life does not notice, nor is able to notice. So there is not even the very least thing that a person on earth can believe he or she thinks, that spirits and angels do not perceive in fullness and clarity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4390


Before my internal sight was opened so that I could speak with spirits, I supposed that no angel or spirit could ever understand and perceive my thoughts because they were within me - [no one] save God alone - and this [I believed] only from the fact that it was thus said in the Word. It happened once, at that time, that a spirit knew what I was thinking of, as appeared by his speaking with me in few words [about it]. At this I was astonished and chiefly for the reason that spirits should be able to know the thoughts. I am hence convinced that others believe in like manner. But I was afterwards instructed by very much and living experience, that spirits not only perceive the thoughts but also the interiors of the thoughts, and the ideas; angels, things yet more interior, as ends and the progressions of ends, which a man does not apperceive, nor can, while he is in the life of the body; so that there is nothing so insignificant which a man can believe that he thinks, that spirits and angels do not perceive copiously and manifestly.

Experientiae Spirituales 4390 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4390. Quod spiritus percipiant ideas cogitationum et idearum minora

Antequam apertum mihi fuit, ut loquerer cum spiritibus, in opinione fui, quod nusquam aliquis spiritus nec angelus intelligere et percipere posset meas cogitationes, quia erant intra me, praeter quod Solus Dominus, et hoc solum ex eo quod ita in Verbo dictum [cf. Ps. CXXXIX: 1-4], semel tunc contigit, quod spiritus sciret quid cogitarem, nam loquebatur mecum paucis verbis, quo obstupefactus imprimis ex eo, quod spiritus possent mea cogitata scire: inde constat mihi quod alii similiter credant: sed postea permulta et viva experientia instructus sum, quod spiritus non modo percipiant cogitata sed etiam interiora cogitationum, et idearum, angeli adhuc interiora, ut fines, et finium progressiones, quas homo non appercipit, nec appercipere potest, dum in vita corporis est; sic ut non tam minimum sit, quod homo credere potest se cogitare, quod non spiritus et angeli copiose et manifeste percipiant.

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