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《灵界经历》 第4403节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4403

4403. Every place in the other life is a change of state

Upon first awakening early in the morning, I sensed more deeply than at other times that progressions from place to place are nothing but changes of one's state of mind, and that they appear to those in the other life just as real, and almost more so, than they do to a person on earth going from place to place. Then I sensed that not anyone can move a step unless all and the very least details have been prearranged in that order by the Lord that the societies may respond to every least mental image and feeling, so that there cannot be even the least thing to which some society does not or cannot respond. This is the doing of the Lord, from Whose Outflow, or Divine Aura, all those things, even societies, are arranged in order.

[2] Therefore progression from place to place, is from society to society. And because societies obtain a stable location, according to all their differences, their changes of state appear as progressions - which I so clearly sensed that there was not any doubt. Thus every state has its own location within the grand human being, as well as outside of it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4403


On my first awaking at an early hour in the morning I perceived more deeply than at other times, that progressions from place to place are nothing but mutations of state, notwithstanding it appears to those in the other life as real a locomotion as when one passes from place to place on the earth. It was then perceived that no one can ever move a step unless all and singular things are disposed by the Lord into such an order, that to each least idea and affection societies may correspond, so that there cannot be anything so exceeding small but that [a society] corresponds to it, as also that it is of the Lord that they can thus correspond, from whose efflux, or divine sphere all those things and societies also are disposed into order. Wherefore progression from place to place is from society to society, and because these societies have a constant situation, according to all the differences [of thought and affection], mutations of state appear as progressions; which was so clearly perceived that there was no doubt left of it. Thus each state has its own situation in the Grand Man, as also without it.

Experientiae Spirituales 4403 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4403. Quod omnis locus in altera vita sit mutatio status

Mane in prima vigilia, penitius perceptum quam alias, quod progressio a loco ad locum non sit nisi mutationes status, et sic quod appareat iis in altera vita ita ad vivum, et fere magis, quam homini dum progreditur in terra; tunc perceptum quod ne ullus passum movere possit, nisi omnia et singula in illum ordinem a Domino disposita sunt, ut unicuique minimae ideae et affectioni respondeant societates, sic ut non tam minimum dari queat, cui non respondeat [societas] , seu cui non respondere possit, quod fit a Domino, ex Cujus Effluxu, seu Divina Sphaera, omnia illa, etiam societates in ordinem [disponuntur] ; quare progressio a loco in locum, est a societate in societatem, quae quia situm constantem obtinent, secundum omnes differentias, apparent mutationes status sicut progressiones, quod ita perceptum, ut nullum dubium fuerit, sic unusquisque status habet suum situm intra maximum hominem, ut et extra.

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