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《灵界经历》 第4402节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4402

4402. About Antonio, whom they make a saint

It was perceived that Anthony of Padua was present, toward the front a little lower down, evenly with the lower part of the foot. He appears darkly clothed, and of a severe countenance, and I spoke with him, asking him whether he considered himself holy. First he answered that he was anything but holy, but I sensed that he still retained that pride of wanting to be. I therefore spoke sharply with him, realizing also that he did not so much acknowledge the Lord. Then I said to him that he had worshipped the Lord in life, and had referred all things to Him, and that all holiness comes from Him. Many words passed between us that I do not remember. When someone comes to him, he is led to say that he can introduce no one into heaven, in fact that he does not know where heaven is. I sense that he does not know what heaven is. Spirits mock him, and he wants to withdraw from them, but cannot.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4402


It was perceived that Anthony of Padua was present in front, somewhat below or parallel with the lower part of the foot. He appears in an obscure dress and severe [in look]. I spoke with him and asked him whether he thought himself to be holy; he answered at first that he thought himself anything rather than holy; but it was perceived that he still retained the proud desire of being a saint; for which reason I spoke sharply with him. It was perceived also that he did not much acknowledge the Lord, and I told him that he should have worshipped the Lord in life, and have referred all things to Him, and that all holiness is thence. Many things passed between us which I do not remember. When anyone comes to him, he is led to say, that he cannot introduce anyone into heaven, nay, that he does not know where heaven is. I perceive that he does not know what heaven is. Spirits mock him, and he wishes to retreat from them but cannot.

Experientiae Spirituales 4402 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4402. De Antonio, quem sanctum faciunt

Perceptum quod Antonius Paduae adesset, antrorsum inferius paulo seu parallele cum inferiori pede, apparet sicut vestitu obscuro, et severus, et loquutus cum eo, num sanctum putet se esse, primum respondebat quod nihil minus quam sanctus, sed perceptum quod usque retineret superbum illud quod vellet esse, quare cum eo dura loquutus, perceptum etiam quod non ita agnosceret Dominum, cui tunc dictum, quod in vita Dominum coluerit, et retulerit omnia ad Ipsum, et quod sanctitas inde; plura intercessit, quae non memini; cum aliquis ad eum venit, ducitur ad loquendum, quod is neminem introducere possit in coelum, imo quod nesciat ubi coelum, percipio quod non sciat quid coelum, spiritus eum illudunt, a quibus se recipere vult sed non potest.

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