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《灵界经历》 第4406节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4406

4406. It is also a remarkable thing, known as yet to no one, that mutual love and the faith of heaven, or the angelic mental imagery concerning mutual love and faith, when they come down into the world of spirits, where there are evil spirits, are turned into an aura of filthy adulteries. Hence it is that in the Word, unbelief is called adultery and whoredom, and this very often; the reason, as was said, being that the mutual love of heaven is founded upon marriage love, that is, is derived from it, and that then adulterous auras come forth as their opposites.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4406

4406. It is also wonderful that it should not be known to anyone as yet, that mutual love and the faith of heaven, or angelic ideas concerning mutual love and faith, when they flow down into the world of spirits, where there are evil spirits, are turned into a foul adulterous sphere; hence it is that in the Word, un-beliefs are called adulteries and whoredoms, and this very often; the reason is, as was said, because the mutual love of heaven is founded on conjugial love, that is, is derived thence, and that thus adulterous spheres, as contrary to them, exist.

Experientiae Spirituales 4406 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4406. Etiam mirum est, quod nemini adhuc notum, quod amor mutuus et fides coeli, seu ideae angelicae de amore mutuo et fide, [cum] delabuntur in mundum spirituum, ubi spiritus mali, vertantur in sphaeram adulteriorum foedorum, inde est, quod in Verbo infidelitates dicantur adulteria et scortationes, et hoc saepissime; causa est, ut dictum quia amor mutuus coeli fundatur super amore conjugiali, hoc est, inde derivatur, et quod sic adulterinae sphaerae, ut contrariae illis existant.

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