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《灵界经历》 第4407节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4407

4407. He was led still further toward thinking that adulteries are filthy, as he or anyone would realize if he acknowledged the precept of the Decalogue as truth, and the rest of the Divine commands, as well as the civil laws, and would then think from them. He would indeed find many confirmations; or if for causes occasioned by another, his partner should be harmed in this way by another, he would avenge it even to death - if then in that state he should comprehend how horrible it would be if another did the same thing, and should confirm himself in this sentiment, then he would finally be able to abhor adulteries.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4407

4407. He was led yet farther to think that adulteries are vile, which he and everyone would apperceive, if he would recognize the precepts of the decalogue for truth, and the other divine commands together with civil laws, and should afterwards think thence; that he would then find many things confirmed; or if he [would think] from injuries offered [to himself] by others, that for example if his own wife should thus be injured by another, he would avenge it even to death, and if in that state he should feel that it was a horrible thing for another to do the like, and should confirm himself in this belief, that then he would have been able at length to abhor adulteries.

Experientiae Spirituales 4407 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4407. Ducebatur adhuc ulterius ad cogitandum quod adulteria foeda sint, quod is et quisque apperciperet, si pro veritate agnosceret praeceptum Decalogi, et caetera mandata Divina, tum leges civiles, et inde dein cogitaret, tum inveniret multa confirmantia; vel si ex alius causis oblatis, ut si ipsius conjux ita ab alio laederetur, quod ulcisceretur id usque ad mortem, si tunc in eo statu caperet quod hoc horrendum sit [cum] simile alius faceret, et confirmaret se, tunc potuisset tandem abhorrere adulteria.

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