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《灵界经历》 第4426节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4426

4426. But as for inward qualities, regarding the life of faith and the like, they are not to be judged. Only the Lord knows them. A thousand can appear alike outwardly, in fact speak alike, and yet be wholly unalike as to those qualities. The motives of everyone as to those qualities can never be known. To judge about them on the basis of deeds, is to be deceived - besides many more points that can be brought forward.

I spoke with spirits, saying that there is an entirely different kingdom in the other life, a different form of government, a different government, different laws, even different wars, namely, against evils and hellish spirits, different social groupings, according to the inward motives of life. These never stand forth before others in the life of the body, for which reason they should not be judged. From much experience it has become known to me that people whom the world had judged as evil as to their inward qualities, are among the blessed, and conversely, people whom they had judged well, are among the unhappy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4426

4426. But as to what concerns the interiors, as to the life of faith, and such things, concerning these we must not judge; [because] the Lord alone knows them. A thousand persons may appear alike in externals, nay, speak alike, and yet be altogether different as to those things, and the ends of each one as to them can never be known; to judge from actions concerning them is to be deceived; besides, many more things which might be adduced. I spoke with spirits, that it is altogether another kingdom in the other life: another form of government, another [principle of] government, other laws, nay, other wars, to wit, against evils, and infernal [spirits], and other consociations which are according to the interior ends of the life; these never appear before others in the life of the body, wherefore we are not to judge concerning them. From much experience it is known to me, that [many of] those concerning whom the world has judged evil, as to their interiors, are among the blessed, and on the other hand, that [many of] those of whom men have judged well, are among the unhappy.

Experientiae Spirituales 4426 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4426. At quod interiora attinet, quoad vitam fidei, et similia, de iis non judicandum, Solus Dominus hoc novit, mille possunt similes apparere in externis, imo loqui, sed usque prorsus dissimiles esse quoad illa, fines cujusvis quoad illa nusquam sciri possunt; ex actis judicare de illis, est decipi, praeter plura, quae adduci possunt: loquutus cum spiritibus, quod prorsus sit aliud regnum in altera vita, alia forma regiminis, aliud regimen, aliae leges, imo alia bella, nempe contra mala, et infernales, aliae consociationes, quae sunt secundum fines interiores vitae, haec nusquam exstant in vita corporis coram aliis, quare de illis non judicandum. Ab experientia multa mihi notum est, quod ii de quibus mundus quoad interiora judicarunt male, sint inter beatos, et vicissim de quibus judicarunt bene, sint inter infelices.

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