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《灵界经历》 第4427节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4427

4427. About riches, power and magnificence in the other life, then about Pluto


I spoke with a certain spirit who was toward the front a little lower down, whom I judged to have been great and opulent in the life of the body (a Czar), saying that they have nothing in the other [life]neither clothing, nor gold and silver, nor any who serve them - but that they are complete paupers, otherwise than in the life of the body. They only carry with them that fantasy, still imagining themselves great and opulent, when yet they are not. I was then inspired to say that the angels dwell in palaces so grand as to architecture and its wonders, they cannot even be compared to the palaces of the world, and this with variety to eternity; thus that the angels dwell in the greatest magnificence, and yet are most humble.

Furthermore, I continued, they are most opulent, dwelling in atmospheres, as far as the eye can see, of gold, diamonds, rubies, pearl, when yet they are the ones who would like with all their heart to give these and even more to others, even to the point of depriving themselves of them, if only others may enjoy them.

They are extremely powerful, for thousands, even tens of thousands, concentrating their power on them, are able to subdue hell, and yet it is their nature to want to rule over no one. The spirits round about were very surprised at this, though it remains a fact that those who eagerly desire to be the rich and powerful, have nothing at all.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4427


I spoke with a certain one who was in front somewhat below, whom I supposed to have been great and opulent in the life of the body (a Czar), saying that such spirits as they had nothing in the other life, no garments, no gold and silver, and none to serve them; but that they were exceedingly poor, otherwise than in the life of the body; that they hereby brought with them the phantasy of still thinking themselves to be such as they were, when yet they were not. It was then given me to say, that the angels are most magnificently endowed, that they dwell in palaces so wonderful, that as to architecture and the wonders thereof, all the palaces of the world could not even be compared with them, and this with variety forever; thus that the angels are most magnificent, but still penetrated with the most profound humility; that they are most opulent and dwell in atmospheres, as far as can be seen, of gold, of diamonds, of rubies, and of pearls, and yet the they are such as to desire from the heart to give all these things and yet more to others, nay, to be willing even to be deprived of them, provided others might rejoice in them; that they are most powerful, because thousands, nay, myriads, confer their power upon them, so that they are able to subdue hell, and that yet, notwithstanding, they are such that they desire to rule over no one. Those who were around wondered greatly that it was so, when yet it is really the case; but those who wish and desire to be rich and powerful have nothing whatever.

Experientiae Spirituales 4427 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4427. De divitiis, potentia et magnificentia in altera vita, tum de Plutone


Loquutus cum quodam qui antrorsum inferius paulum, quem arbitratus magnum et opulentum fuisse in vita corporis (Czare) , dicendo quod nihil habeant in altera, non vestes, non aurum et argentum, non aliquos qui iis serviant, sed quod sint pauperrimi, secus ac in vita corporis, solum quod phantasiam illam secum trahant, quod adhuc putent se esse tales, cum tamen non sint. Tunc dicere datum, quod angeli sint magnificentissimi, habitent in palatiis ita magnificis, ut quoad architecturam et inde magnifica, omnia palatia mundi ne quidem comparari possint, et hoc cum varietate in aeternum, sic quod illi magnificentissimi sint, sed usque tales quod humillimi; praeterea quod opulentissimi, habitent in atmosphaeris quantum spectari possint aureis, adamantinis, rubinorum, unionum, cum tamen sint illi qui omnia ex corde et plura adhuc dare aliis velint, imo usque ut priventur illis modo alii iis gaudeant: quod potentissimi, quod millia imo myriades conferant suam potentiam in illos, et possint subjugare infernum, cum tamen tales sunt ut nemini imperare velint; qui circum mirati sunt valde quod ita sit, cum tamen ita se habeat, at qui volunt et cupiunt divites esse, potentes esse, nihil prorsus habent.

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