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《灵界经历》 第4428节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4428

4428. Then a certain one came along who declared that he was Pluto, from among those who are called plutocrats, who have that fantasy that they see immense treasures of gold and riches, in which they delight, due to a fantasy that they had brought with them out of the body, because it had been their nature to place all their delight in those things and not in the use to be made of them. I was prompted to tell him that these things are worthless, like earthly mud, so that if he has one room full of goldbricks, and a second one full of clay and mud, then the first is worth nothing more than the second. That they possess gold in the ground is because they see opulence in their gold, imagining they are able to possess all things, while they in fact possess nothing else than a fantasy. These latter are plutocrats. He said that it is so, that he is attent upon those things, but they are sometimes turned into mud, and when he desires to give of his wealth to another, it is turned with the other into mud, so that it is absolutely worthless and he derives no other use from it than something filthy such as is called fantasy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4428

4428. There then came a certain spirit who said that he was Pluto. He was one of those called Plutonists who have the phantasy of seeing immense treasures of gold, and riches, with which they are delighted, from the phantasy which they have contracted for themselves from the body, because they were such as to place all their delight in those things apart from the use they are capable of yielding. It was given to say to him that these things are worthless, like the mud of the earth, so the if he had one chamber full of such golden treasures, and another full of clay and mud, the one would be worth no more than the other. The reason why they possess gold in the earth, is because they regard opulence in their gold; they think that they possess all things, while in fact they possess nothing except this phantasy; these are the Plutonists. This one said that his state was such, so that while intent upon these things, they were turned at times into mud, and that, when he wished to give some of this [wealth] to another, it was changed with him likewise into mud, so as to be most absolutely nothing, and that he had no use from it, except such a filthy one as is called phantastic.

Experientiae Spirituales 4428 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4428. Tunc venit quidam qui dixit se Plutonem esse, ex illis qui vocantur plutonici, qui phantasiam illam habent, quod videant thesauros immensos auri, et divitias, quibus delectantur, ex phantasia quam traxerunt secum e corpore, quia tales, ut in illis omne suum delectamentum posuerint, praeter quod in usu ex iis; dicere ei datum, quod haec nihili sint, sicut terrestre coenum, si sic cameram talibus auris plenam habeat, sive luto et coeno alteram, tunc nihil plus valet una quam altera, quod possideant aurum in terra, est ideo quia spectant in auro suo opulentiam, putant possidere posse omnia, et praeterea nihil possident, praeter phantasiam, hi sunt plutonici; dixit quod ita se habeat, quod spectet talia, sed vertantur aliquoties in coenum, et cum alicui dare ex eo alii velit, apud eum vertatur in coenum, sic ut nihili prorsus valeat, nec habeat aliquem usum inde, quam talem spurcum, quod audit phantasticum.

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