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《灵界经历》 第4430节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4430

4430. About the memory of personal matters

I heard a certain spirit recounting another's, a siren's, disgraceful deeds, which she had committed in the life of the body, numbering more than a hundred - and these quickly, one after another, without hesitation, arousing mental imagery vividly, together with the circumstances, in the manner of the speech of spirits, rapidly, along with her inward admission. This was told to her, several times, showing that they have with them all the details of the memory of personal matters, and lose not a thing except bones and flesh, which they have in common with wild animals; and that thus they cannot at all grieve over the death of the body. For there are recently arrived souls who had loved the bodily memory, and grieve they had now lost it. They were shown that they have all down to the least details. However, they do not want their evils to be called forth from it and thus made manifest, for all their deeds, their higher knowledge, and their motives would thus be laid open before others. Upon hearing all this, they do not wish them to be laid open, and that their memory of personal things be shown.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4430


I heard a certain spirit rehearsing to another, who was a siren, the enormities he had committed in the life of the body, and this as to [every] word which had fallen from him. This was done rapidly in order, without hesitation, by exciting ideas to the life together with the circumstances, in the way that spirits speak, which is rapidly. It was attended with interior acknowledgment on the part of him to whom he spoke; this took place several times. It was thence shown that [spirits] have with themselves all the particulars of the memory, and lose not the minutest thing, except bones and flesh, which are common [to men] with brute animals, and that thus they have no reason to grieve for the death of the body, inasmuch as they are still living. To such souls as loved the corporeal memory and grieved at the loss of it, it was shown, that they had all and singular the things of it with themselves; notwithstanding [this love] they are not willing that their evils should be called out thence, and thus be made manifest; for all their actions, thoughts, and ends would thus be manifest before others. On hearing these things they are not willing that they should be made manifest, by the laying open of that memory.

Experientiae Spirituales 4430 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4430. De memoria particularium

Audivi quendam recensentem alterius, erat sirenis, flagitia quae patravit in vita corporis, et hoc quoad centum quod excedit, cito, ordine, absque haesitatione, excitando ideas ad vivum, cum circumstantiis, modo loquelae spirituum, cito, cum agnitione interiore ejus, cui dicebatur, et hoc aliquoties, inde ostensum quod omnia memoriae particularium secum habeant, et ne hilum amittant, praeter ossa et carnem, quae communia sunt brutorum animalium; et sic quod nihil possint dolere mortem corporis, sunt enim recentes animae quae amaverunt memoriam corpoream, quod amiserint, et doleant, iis ostensum est, quod omnia et singula secum habeant; sed usque non volunt, ut inde evocentur illorum mala, et sic pateant, nam omnia acta, cogitationes, et fines paterent sic coram aliis: quibus auditis, non volunt, ut pateant, et particularium memoria pateat.

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