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《灵界经历》 第4431节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4431

4431. There are the kind of spirits who are able to call those things forth, from among the spirits of Mercury, who represent the lower inward memory and its sense. I was told that there are such spirits among them, and that they are able, when it is permitted, to look into the personal matters of a spirit's memory. This shows that an evil man atones in the other life for all his thoughts and deeds, and that if he imagines he has not committed any evil, then they are called forth one after another, along with his admission together with all the relevant circumstances.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4431

4431. There are some spirits such that they can call forth those things; they belong to [the planet] Mercury, and have reference to the interior of the inferior memory, and its sense. It was told me that they are possessed of this power towards each other, and that they are able, when it is permitted them, thus to behold the particulars of the memory of spirits. Hence it may be manifest, that the evil man atones for all his thoughts and actions in the other life, and that if he thinks he has not done evil, they are then called forth in order with acknowledgment on his part, [because represented] with all the circumstances.

Experientiae Spirituales 4431 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4431. Sunt spiritus tales qui evocare illa possunt, ex illis qui Mercurii sunt, et memoriam inferiorem interiorem et ejus sensum referunt, dictum mihi quod tales sint, inter se, et quod ii possint, cum permittatur, ita intueri particularia memoriae spiritus. Inde constare potest, quod pro omnibus cogitatis et actis luat malus in altera vita, et si putat se non malum egisse, quod tunc ordine evocentur cum ejus agnitione cum omnibus ejus circumstantiis.

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