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《灵界经历》 第4434节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4434

4434. Spirits are able [to do] absolutely nothing, and are therefore nothing

I spoke with spirits about the fact that they imagine they are able to do anything at all on their own power, for so most of them boast, and because it is permitted them to act in accordance with their fantasies and passions, they think they are able to do much. It was granted me to answer them, saying they know that all that they think flows in, thus that they cannot think on their own, as from themselves, and because they cannot think from themselves, as from themselves, neither can they so act, because every action comes from thought. They cannot act unless they [first] think and then will. Because they could not deny that all their thinking inflows, neither could they deny that they could not perform any action from themselves, unless they willed it like some inanimate or brutish entity, which does act from a kind of passion or affection.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4434


I spoke with spirits concerning the circumstance that they think themselves able to do anything from themselves, for they are generally boastful, and because it is permitted them to act according to their phantasies and cupidities, they think they can do much. But it was given to reply to them, that they know that everything they think flows in, thus that they cannot think from themselves as from themselves, and because they cannot think from themselves as from themselves, that consequently they could not [so] act, because everything that is acted comes from thought, inasmuch as nothing could be acted by them without their [first] thinking and thus willing it, because they could not deny that everything they thought flowed in, neither could they deny that they were unable to do anything from themselves, unless they willed it like something inanimate, or brutish, which continually acts from a certain cupidity or affection.

Experientiae Spirituales 4434 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4434. Quod spiritus prorsus nihil possint, et sic quod nihil sint

Loquutus cum spiritibus de eo quod putent se posse aliquid ex se, plerumque enim se jactant, et quia permittitur eis agere secundum phantasias et cupiditates, putant quod multum possint; quibus respondere datum, quod sciant, quod omne quod cogitant, influat, ita quod non possint cogitare ex se, ut ex se, et quia ex se non possunt cogitare, ut ex se, ita quod nec agere possint, quia omne quod agitur, venit ex cogitatione, nihil agi potest ab iis, nisi cogitent et sic velint; quia non negare potuerunt, quin omne quod cogitant influat, negare nec potuerunt, quod [non] quicquam agere possint a se, nisi vellent sicut inanimatum quoddam, aut sicut brutum, hoc usque agit ex quadam cupiditate seu affectione.

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