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《灵界经历》 第4439节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4439

4439. About societies of friendship

High overhead there are societies, which should be called societies of friendship, who live amicably among themselves, thus in the pleasure of friendship, not in the pleasure and blessedness of mutual love. They have with them an almost flaming light, and very many pleasures that they enjoy, together with other delights. They had been with me, or above me, two or three times, when it was granted me to learn the source of their pleasure. Wherever they come, they divert the enjoyments of others toward themselves, and those whom they deprive of them are then in darkness, and in misery. They said that they were unaware of this, but it was proven to them to be the case. They likewise took away my delight, and I was then plunged into darkness and gloom, which increased in proportion as their pleasure increased. I spoke with them, and reproached them.

[2] I was informed that this was the nature of the pleasure of friendship when it is not the pleasure of mutual love. This shows the state of those in the other life who love their companions above all others, but only for the sake of pleasure, and still more what those immersed in self-love are like, who deprive all others of their pleasure, diverting it to themselves - for which reason they are separated, and when they come toward an angelic society, they sink down like a heap of earth, or a weight.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4439


High above the head are societies which are to be called societies of friendship. They live in a friendly manner among themselves, thus in the delight of friendship, but not in the delight and blessedness of mutual love. They have with them a light almost flaming, with very many pleasant and delightful things which they greatly enjoy. They were with me or above me twice or thrice, and it was then given me to apperceive whence was their delight. Wherever they come they derive the delights of others to themselves, and those whom they deprive of them are then in an obscure and unhappy state. They said that they were not aware that they did this; but it was shown to them that it was so. They took away from me in like manner my delight, and I was then in obscurity and sadness, which was increased in the degree of their delight. I spoke with them, and it was given me to upbraid them. I was in formed that such is the nature of the delight of friendship when it is not the delight of mutual love. Hence it may be manifest how the case is in the other life with those who love their associates above all others, or for the sake of delight, and still more of what quality those are who are in the love of self, [namely that they are such] as to deprive all others of their delight, and derive it into themselves. For this reason they are separated, and when they come to an angelic society, fall down like a heavy weight.

Experientiae Spirituales 4439 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4439. De societatibus amicitiae

Supra caput alte sunt societates, quae vocandae societates amicitiae, inter se vivunt amice, ita in jucundo amicitiae, non in jucundo et beato amoris mutui; apud se habent lucem fere flammeam, et jucunda perplura, in quibus sunt, cum aliis quoque delitiosis; fuerunt apud me seu supra me bis terque, et tunc appercipere datum unde jucundum eorum, ubicunque veniunt, aliorum jucunda ad se derivant, et ei quos deprivant tunc sunt in obscuro, et in misero, hoc dicebant se nescire, sed iis ostensum quod ita sit, a me abstulerunt similiter jucundum, et tunc in obscuro et tristi fui, quod tantum auctum, quantum apud eos jucundum, loquutus cum eis, et increpavi; informatus, quod tale sit jucundum amicitiae, cum non jucundum amoris mutui; inde constare potest, quomodo se habet in altera vita cum illis qui socios prae omnibus aliis, seu jucundi causa amant: et adhuc magis, quales ii qui in amore sui, quod deprivent omnes alios suo jucundo, et in se derivent, quare separantur, et cum ad angelicam societatem veniant, instar grumi seu ponderis decidunt.

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