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《灵界经历》 第4440节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4440

4440. About infernal, and about heavenly delight

A certain highly respected doctor who thought himself learned above others, was entirely unable in the other life to understand what infernal delight, and what heavenly delight is, even though he was instructed and shown [the difference] by actual experience. But by his mental image he was making infernal delight and heavenly delight out as one and the same thing. He was an inward hypocrite, probably one who had profaned holy things, also obstinately laying snares, and clever in devising tricks - inwardly poisonous as a serpent, for which reason he was let into infernal torments.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4440


A certain doctor of much dignity, who thought himself learned beyond others, could not in the least understand, in the other life, what infernal delight was, and what heavenly delight, although he was instructed and the difference was shown to him by living experience. He made infernal delight and heavenly delight entirely as one in his idea. He was an interior hypocrite, and perhaps had profaned holy things; he was, at the same time, contumacious in laying snares, and cunning in devising deceits, like a serpent all venomous within; wherefore he was sent into infernal torments.

Experientiae Spirituales 4440 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4440. De jucundo infernali et coelesti

Quidam doctor multae dignitatis qui se prae aliis eruditum putavit, in altera vita nihil prorsus intelligere potuit quid jucundum infernale et quid jucundum coeleste, tametsi instrueretur, et per vivam experientiam ostenderetur; sed faciebat idea sua jucundum infernale et jucundum coeleste ut unum prorsus, erat interior hypocrita, fortassis prophanaverat sancta, tum contumax insidiandi, et callidus dolos nectendi, ut serpens venenatus intus, quare in infernales cruciatus missus.

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