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《灵界经历》 第4442节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4442

4442. About a sublime mental image of the Lord

There were at the right side high above, angelic spirits who were in a sublime mental image, because they had thought, sensed, and heard so many things regarding the Divine, the Human, and the Holy of the Lord. They were therefore let into a sublime Mental Image showing that the three were one, a mental image that cannot be described because it only exists in the other life - words do not express it. The Divine was for the heavenly ones, the Human for the rest who were below them, also the Divine but adapted to them, the Holy going forth was the whole aura from it, because there is nothing in the Lord but the Divine Holy. These things were portrayed by an angelic mental image, and thus as a one adapted to the whole of heaven, in which mental image they found their blessedness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4442


There were at the right side, high above the head, certain angelic spirits who were in a sublime idea because they thought, apperceived, and heard so many things concerning the Divine, the Human, and the Holy of the Lord. Wherefore I was remitted into a sublime idea that those three were one, which idea cannot be described because it is possible only in the other life, and words will not express it. The Divine was for the celestial, the Human for the rest who were beneath - though the Divine was also applicable to the latter - while the Holy [of the Lord] was all the sphere thence proceeding, because there is nothing in the Lord but the Divine Holy. These things were represented by an angelic idea, and this as a One adapted to the whole heaven, in which idea they had their blessedness.

Experientiae Spirituales 4442 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4442. De sublimi idea de Domino

Erant ad latus dextrum alte supra angelici qui in sublimi idea erant, quia cogitarunt, apperceperunt, et audiverunt tam multa de Divino, Humano et Sancto Domini, quare missus in sublimem Ideam, quod illa tria unum essent, quae idea non describi potest, quia solum dabilis in altera vita, voces eam non exprimunt, Divinum erat pro coelestibus, Humanum pro reliquis qui infra, etiam Divinum sed applicabile iis, Sanctum procedens erat omnis inde sphaera, quia nihil in Domino nisi Divinum Sanctum, haec repraesentata sunt idea angelica, et sic ut unum applicabile ad totum coelum, in qua idea illi habebant suum beatum.

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