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《灵界经历》 第4441节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4441

4441. About a simple idea of the Lord, and that He rules all things

There were some who had a simple mental picture of the Lord, that the Lord rules all and the least things. The simplicity of the picture is indescribable, and could better be displayed among spirits, because they know from experience how effectively thoughts operate, and that magical female spirits operate by an inflow of thoughts and feelings; and because there is that inflow, and such spirits are eager to command, therefore unless one should rule all things, all things would perish, and such a troubled condition would arise that nothing would continue to exist. Hence came the simple mental picture of the Lord, that He rules all things; and the simplicity consisted also in this, that the Lord was the Lord to them, without thought about the Divine, the human, [His] holiness, but only about the one.

From that mental image flowed also this, that He rules all, both the singular and the very least elements of thoughts, and that they lived in blessedness when they were ruled by Him, and thus in safety. There were multitudes, and companies, that approached toward them in their mental image, and in it they felt their own blessedness, for the reason that they had previously heard so many disputes and reasonings about various things with the Lord, and about faith in Him, so that this was for them like a sweet rest. I also was let into the same mental image, and strongly felt the blessedness in that simplicity, and at the same time that there was innocence in it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4441


There were those who were in the simple idea concerning the Lord, that he rules all and singular things. The simplicity of this idea cannot be described; though it could be presented perfectly with these spirits, because they know from experience how much thoughts operate, and that magical spirits operate by the influx of thoughts and affections, and because the influx is such, such spirits desire to rule; whereas unless one ruled supreme, all things would perish, and such a state of confusion would arise that nothing would subsist. Hence was their simple idea concerning the Lord, that he rules all things. Its simplicity consisted also in this, that the Lord was a Lord to them, without any thought of the Divine, the Human, and the Holy [Proceeding], but only concerning Him as one. From this idea also flowed [the persuasion] that he rules the thoughts as to all and singular, and even the minutest things; and that they were in blessedness when they were ruled by him and thus in safety. Those of this class were many in number, and at the same time certain companies of spirits approached them who entered into their idea and perceived in it their blessedness; the reason was, that they had formerly heard so many disputes and ratiocinations concerning various things pertaining to the Lord and concerning faith in him, wherefore this was to them as a sweet rest. I was also remitted into the same idea and perceived blessedness in that simplicity, and at the same time that there was innocence in it.

Experientiae Spirituales 4441 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4441. De simplici idea de Domino, et quod regat omnia

Fuerunt qui erant in simplici idea de Domino, quod Dominus regat omnia et singula; ideae simplicitas non potest describi, illa melius apud spiritus sisti potuit, quia ab experientia noverunt, quantum cogitationes operantur, et quod magicae per influxum cogitationum et affectionum operentur, et quia talis influxus, et tales volunt imperare, nisi unus regeret omnia, perirent omnia, et status tam turbulentus oriretur ut nihil subsisteret, inde simplex idea de Domino, quod Ipse regat omnia, et simplicitas quoque in eo consistebat, quod Dominus ut Dominus iis esset, absque cogitatione de Divino, humano, sancto [Ipsius], sed solum de uno: ex illa idea fluebat etiam illud, [quod] omnia regat, et singula, et minima cogitationum, et quod in beatitudine essent cum ab Ipso regerentur, et sic in tuto: erant multi, et cohortes qui accedebant ad illos in eorum ideam, et in illa beatum suum percipiebant, ex causa quia audiverunt prius tam multa disceptata et ratiocinata de variis apud Dominum et de fide in Ipsum, ita erat hoc iis ut quies dulcis, missus quoque fui in eandem ideam, et beatitudinem in simplicitate illa appercipiebam, et simul tunc quod innocentia in illa esset.

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