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《灵界经历》 第4453节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4453

4453. Finally they were carried down toward the hell that is in front, toward the left, toward the side where the people before the flood reside, more toward the outside, where there was an entrance; and then a certain deceitful spirit of the same character did not want to go with them, but still, being brought to them, he was held suspended in a flame that was then with the sirens. Then he declared that he had experienced nothing more delightful, so he followed them with what was to him the most delightful pleasure, and they entered into the caverns there, and later more to the front toward the left there under a cloud, out of which as they were striving to emerge there came smoke like that of a furnace, mixed with sulfurous fire.

[2] But because the sirens' hell was not there, though still that of others of the same sort, the sirens had worked their way under it, returning back through the caverns toward the swamp, so that I would have supposed they were advancing under the swamp, but their cavernous way there bent outward, even to the edge of this solar system, somewhat more deeply, and there at first it appeared as if the swampy sea there, into which they were being cast, were in a different solar system. There they are now.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4453

4453. They were at length conveyed down to their hell, which is in front, to the left, at the side where the antediluvians are, but more outward where there was an entrance; and then a certain deceitful spirit of a kindred nature was unwilling to go with them, but still, being conveyed to them, he was held suspended in the flame which was thence with them, when he said that he had never a perceived anything more delightful; wherefore he followed under the influence of that delight which was to him so exquisite. They entered there into caverns and afterwards proceeded more in front towards the left under a cloud, from which while they were endeavoring to emerge, there was, as it were, the smoke of a furnace mixed with sulphurous fire. But because their proper hell was not there, though that of others of that class was, they made their way under it, and returned through caverns backwards towards a marsh, so that I supposed they would proceed under the marsh; but their cavernous way there took a direction outwardly, even to the limits of the universe, verging somewhat deeply downwards, and where there before appeared, as it were, a marshy sea, into which they were to be cast, in another universe. There they now are.

Experientiae Spirituales 4453 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4453. Tandem delatae ad infernum, quod est antrorsum ad sinistrum ad latus ubi antediluviani, extrorsum magis, ibi ingressus, et tunc quidam dolosus talis naturae non voluit ire cum illis, sed usque allatus tenebatur pendulus in flamma quae inde apud eas, tunc dicebat, quod nihil jucundius apperceperit, quare sequutus est cum jucundo delitiosissimo sibi, ingressae ibi in cavernas, et postea magis antrorsum [versus] sinistram ibi sub nubem, ex qua emergere nitentes, erat sicut fumus fornacis igne sulphureo mixtus; sed quia ibi non earum infernum sed usque aliorum ex tali sorte, illae molitae sibi vias sub illo, et retrogressae per cavernas retrorsum versus stagnum, sic ut autumaverim quod sub stagnum progrederentur, sed flectebatur via cavernosa earum ibi extrorsum, usque ad limitem hujus universi, aliquantum profundius, et ibi primum apparebat sicut mare stagneum in quod conjicerentur [esset] in alio universo, ibi nunc sunt.

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