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《灵界经历》 第4452节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4452

4452. They are being removed one by one from their former location in the world of spirits to a more remote one toward their own hell, and this by intervals of time - which shows for which hell those sirens are destined - namely toward the left, quite deep down, near the heel of the foot; and finally when they had progressed to the most disgraceful extreme acts, then they were surrounded by sulfur, and its fire, resembling their fantasy-inspired mental imagery, and their persuasive call [4450].

[2] They also cast forth out of themselves as it were the inward person, who in keeping with their persuasions appeared as a little child, but it was a fantasy, which turned into something like sulfur and is of such a nature, as the spirits said, that it could not be extinguished, but kept on burning - a sign that wherever it drifts, it infects with persuasion even those who have goodness in them, so that it cannot be extinguished except by the Only Lord. For they do not know otherwise than that something is good in which they mingle in different ways, according to the dispositions of those infected, every delight of what is holy and what is profane.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4452

4452. They are removed successively from their former station to one more remote towards their hell. This takes place at intervals of time, from which it appears to what hell these sirens are destined, which is one to the left in front, somewhat deep about the heel of the foot. When they have at length proceeded to the most flagitious extremes and to consummations, they are surrounded with sulfur and fire thence, as are also their phantastic ideas and persuasive exclamations in like manner. Those above mentioned send forth likewise from themselves, as it were, an interior man, who, according to their persuasions, appeared as an infant; but it was a phantasy, and was turned into something sulphurous, which was of such a nature, that certain spirits said it could not be extinguished but burned continually, an indication that wherever it comes it infests with a corresponding persuasion those also who have anything of this nature with themselves, so that it can be extinguish only by the Lord; for otherwise those infected never know but that it is something good with which they [the sirens] variously mingle, according to genius [or disposition], every delight of what is holy and of what is profane.

Experientiae Spirituales 4452 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4452. Removentur successive a priori sua statione in mundo spirituum ad remotiorem versus infernum suum, et hoc per moras temporis, inde cui inferno destinatae sint, apparet, sirenes istae sinistrorsus antrorsus profundius circa calcem pedis; et tandem cum ad flagitiosissima progressae, et ad consummationes tunc circumdabantur sulphure et inde igne, earum phantasticae ideae, et exclamationes persuasivae similiter; ejiciebant etiam ex se tanquam interiorem hominem, qui secundum earum persuasiones apparebat sicut infans, sed erat phantasia quae versa in sulphureum, quod talis naturae erat, ut dicebant spiritus, quod exstingui non posset, sed ardebat, indicium quod ubicunque alluit, persuasione infectet etiam illos qui bonum apud se habent, sic ut non exstingui possit, quam a Solo Domino, nam nusquam aliter sciunt quam quod bonum, cui omne jucundum sancti, et prophani, diversimode secundum genios immisceant.

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