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《灵界经历》 第4457节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4457

4457. How eager they were to obsess me is shown by the fact that they entered completely into my breathing, and toward the heart, and that they thus managed to enter into the life of the body, even trying to enter into the inward breathing, which they then also managed to do, and - which as far as I am aware is hitherto unknown - to send into me devils, and spirits of every kind, so as to take possession of all things that are mine, which were subject to them.

[2] This was so that they would have direct communication. Indeed, they put on the guise as if they were hardly thinking about [the devils and spirits they had sent], but transferred them to wherever they turned their thoughts, no longer commanding them from willful forethought, also transferring them to other spirits and their societies - which is wicked.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4457

4457. How much they wished to obsess me may be manifest from the fact, that they entered into my respiration completely, and [proceeded] towards the heart, and that they thus obtained the power to enter into the life of my body. They also endeavored to enter into my interior respiration They thus acquired power - a circumstance, so far as I am aware, not yet known - to send into me devils and spirits of every kind, so as to possess me entirely and to hold me in complete subjection to them. This was that they might have immediate communication; yea, they put on such a nature as scarcely to exercise thought about these devils and spirits, but transferred them whithersoever they turned their thoughts, no longer commanding them from previous thought and will. [They transferred them] also to other spirits and other societies, which is abominable.

Experientiae Spirituales 4457 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4457. Quantum obsidere vellent, constare potest, quod intraverint in respirationem prorsus, et versus cor, et quod sic obtinuerint, quod intrarent in vitam corporis; etiam conati in respirationem interiorem; quod etiam sic obtinuerint, quod non prius quantum scio notum, immittere diabolos, et spiritus cujuscunque generis in me, sic ut possiderent omnia mea, quae earum subjecta erant; ut sic communicationem immediatam haberent, imo induebant eam naturam, ut vix cogitarent de eis, sed quocunque cogitationem vertebant, transmittebant sic, iis non amplius ex praevia cogitatione et voluntate imperatis, tales; etiam ad spiritus alios et eorum societates: quod nefandum.

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