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《灵界经历》 第4458节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4458

4458. Their medium was able to pour forth simultaneously one mental image of himself in front of his own spirits, and a different one of myself - in front of his own one of a queen sitting on a throne in splendid attire, and leaning on the arm of the throne, in the manner of delicate ladies - and a miserable mental image of herself in front of others, so that it was a filthy one in front of others, and then appearing to them as beautiful, this at the very same time in front of many, which was in the highest degree magical. About this I spoke with spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4458

4458. Their subject was able to put forth one idea of himself before his own associates, and another before others; before the former, the idea of a queen sitting on a throne in splendid ornaments, and leaning on the arm of the throne as delicate females are accustomed to do; and before the latter, an idea of herself as a miserable object, and thus as something loathsome in their presence. She was thus seen by them in a form, and at one and the same time by several in different forms, which was something in the highest degree magical; concerning which I spoke with spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 4458 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4458. Potuit subjectum simul effundere aliam ideam sui coram suis, et aliam ideam mei, coram suis ideam reginae sedentis in solio in ornatu, etiam se inclinantis ad brachium solii, sicut delicatae solent, et ideam miserabilem sui coram aliis, sicut quod spurca esset coram aliis, et sic visa iis in forma, ita simul coram pluribus, quod maxime magicum erat, de quo loquutus cum spiritibus.

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