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《灵界经历》 第4459节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4459

4459. Next she was carried down outside of the solar system toward the left, to others, for such as these are also carried like others from one place to another, even until they arrive at their own destined place. And there I heard how they spoke about this. But she changed the aura of the other solar system as if into a single aura, and went on to where they said that such sirens come to them, in the beginning thinking that they are queens, and I saw that they treat them as such, with cunning mockery, and that they then become as pigs.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4459

4459. She was then conveyed without [this] universe to the left, to other [male sirens]. Such [as these] are, like others, borne about from one place to another, until they come to their proper and destined place. There I heard how [these others] spoke about her coming, but she changed the sphere of that other universe, as it were, into one [with her own], and went on to a place where [the dwellers] said that such [sirens] had come to them, and that at first they thought themselves queens. I perceived that [the sirens] treated them in the way [already described] with a subtle mockery, and it was told me that they became as their own [property]. 1


1. The reader will doubtless perceive an unusual degree of obscurity in the details respecting these sirens. This is in part to be accounted for from the abstruse nature of the subject, but quite as much from the state of the author's manuscript, which, Dr. Tafel remarks, abounds here with words exceedingly difficult to be deciphered. In the last sentence, for instance, in No. 4459, by a change of eos into eas we may read:- "I perceived that they treated the sirens in agreement [with their phantastic] appearance with mockery," and c. We have done the best we could with the translation. -Tr.

Experientiae Spirituales 4459 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4459. Delata dein est extra universum ad sinistram, usque ad alios, nam tales etiam feruntur sicut alii ab uno loco in alterum, usque dum veniant ad proprium et destinatum eorum, et ibi audivi quomodo de eo loquuti, sed sphaeram alterius universi mutabat sicut in unam, et dein ulterius, ubi dicebant quod tales ad eos veniant, et putent se reginas principio, et percepi quod tractent eas similiter, subdola subsannatione, et dein quod fiant instar suum.

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