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《灵界经历》 第4461节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4461

4461. Certain ones are taken out of hell to perform vile uses

A certain one had been with me in secret for some time (Spegel), who had bound himself to me from a delight of ruling, and of perverting truths. I knew nothing about him except after the time when he had drifted up, and then he was detected to be one of those deceitful spirits who did not dare to do anything except in secret, being of that character as if he loved and professed truths in a way that others could hardly tell otherwise. He would also attract others, whom he would teach, when yet he believed nothing at heart. He was first punished, and while undergoing punishment, he weaved deceits, and he spoke through others.

[2] Then also it was disclosed to him what he had thought and spoken regarding the Divinity, in which he had not believed, which he had even later retained, but [only] in the thought. From this it was also evident how things formerly done and said can be uncovered from the bodily memory. He thought that he had not been in hell before, so he was led down to it, and it was shown where he had been, almost under the buttocks, in the excrement, and he recognized that he had been there, and that he had come from there into the world of spirits. It was archbishop Spegel.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4461


There had been a certain spirit with me for some time in secret (:Spegel:), who had connected himself [with me] from the delight of ruling and of perverting truths. I knew nothing about him until some time after he came; he was then detected, and [found] to be one of the deceitful, so that he did not dare to do anything except in secret. Such was his disposition that he seemed to love truths, and professed them, so that others could scarce know to the contrary: he also attracted others in order to teach them, when yet in heart he had not the least particle of belief [in what he professed]. He was first punished, and while undergoing punishment continued weaving deceits and speaking through others. It was then also made known to him what he had thought and said [in the world] concerning the Divine, and that he did not believe in it. This he also retained afterwards, but in the thought [not the will]. It was thence also manifest how things formerly said and done can be detected from the corporeal memory. He supposed that he had not been in hell before, wherefore he was led down thither, and it was shown him where he had been, nearly under the nates in what is excrementitious, and he recognized that he had been there, and had come thence into the world of spirits. He was the Archbishop Spegel.

Experientiae Spirituales 4461 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4461. Quod quidam eximantur ab inferno in mundum spirituum ob viles usus

Quidam in occulto aliquamdiu apud me fuerat (Spegel) et se alligaverat ex jucundo imperandi et pervertendi vera, nihil noveram de eo, quam post tempus, cum appulit, et dein detectus est, qui inter eos dolosos fuit, quod nihil nisi in occulto agere ausus sit; ea indole, quod quasi amaret vera et profiteretur sic ut vix alii aliud scirent, attraxit etiam alios, quos doceret, cum tamen ne hilum credidit corde; punitus est primum, et sub punitione dolos nexuit; et per alios loquutus est: tum etiam aperiebatur ei quid cogitavit et loquutus de Divino, quod non crediderit, quod etiam postea retinuit, sed cogitatione, inde patebat quoque quomodo e memoria corporea anteacta et loquuta possent detegi; putabat quod non in inferno prius fuit, quare illuc deductus, et ei ostensum ubi fuerat, sub natibus fere, in excrementitio, et cognovit, quod ibi fuit, et quod inde venerit in mundum spirituum. Erat arch. B. Spegel.

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