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《灵界经历》 第4462节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4462

4462. Continuation about sirens

They were sent into various hells, such as to the hell toward the left, where they said they could subdue those spirits, but they escaped them. After that they were sent into other hells, where David was, who wanted to torment them in his own way, but they escaped him as well, so that he fled away. He tormented them afterwards, but they eluded those who were there, as they did in other hells. The reason is that they mingle profane and holy things together, and are able to insert themselves at the same time into inward nature, thus to be as it were holy to the good, cunning to the others, and profane to the profane, all at the same time and in every mental image.

Then they gather together and gradually supplement the mental images, and display them simultaneously, until finally they become utterly profane.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4462


They were sent into various hells, as, to the hell on the left, where they said that such were able to subdue them, but they eluded them: afterwards into other hells, especially one where David was, who wished to torment them in his own way, but they eluded him also, so that he fled away. He tormented them afterwards, but they eluded the rest there, and in other hells. This was because they mix profane and holy things, and can, at the same time, introduce themselves into the interior nature, and this simultaneously, so that, at one, and the same time, they can be as it were holy with the good, cunning with others, and profane with the profane, and this at once in each one of their ideas.

They there collect ideas and increase them successively, and do such simultaneous things to such a degree that they become at length altogether profane.

Experientiae Spirituales 4462 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4462. Continuatio de sirenibus

Missae sunt in varia inferna, ut ad infernum sinistrorsum, ubi dicebant quod tales potuerint subjugare, sed eluserunt eos; postea in alia inferna, ubi David, qui eos voluit cruciare suo modo, sed eluserunt etiam eum, ut aufugeret, postea cruciavit, sed eluserunt eos ibi, ita in aliis infernis: ex causa quod prophana et sancta miscent, et se in interiorem naturam simul immittere possunt, et hoc simultanee; sic simul ut quasi sancti sint bonis, astuti sint aliis, et prophani sint prophanis, et hoc simul, in quavis idea. Ideas tunc colligunt et augent successive, et faciunt talia simultanea, usque tandem ut prorsus prophanae fiunt.

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