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《灵界经历》 第4466节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4466

4466. About a certain criminal one

For several months he had been in my vicinity, in the beginning as a magician par excellence, later pondering nothing else but how he could secretly rule and in various ways bring evils upon others, especially adulteries, which entirely occupied his mind. This lasted for many months. While others were thinking about different matters, he dwelt on these. There are more particulars concerning him than can be related. Finally he was shown the nature of his delight as an infectious scabies that occupied his head, and that his mental imagery was of that kind; and it was actually shown what the scabies is like, how it was full of disgusting insects that caused itching and produced that kind of pleasure. From this he was able to learn the fact of the matter, and that his pleasure was of that content and of that nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4466


He was about me for several months; at first he was magical beyond all others, and afterwards thought of nothing but how he might secretly maintain ascendancy, and at the same time do evils to others. This evil was of different kinds, but especially adulteries; these occupied his mind altogether for several months; when others thought of other things, he thought of them. There are more things concerning him than can be related. The quality of his delight was at length shown to him by a pestilent scab, which occupied his head, and that all his ideas were similar to it. It was shown to the life what that scab was in quality, that it was full of disgusting insects which caused a tickling sensation and gave rise to that delight. There was given him at the same time the faculty of knowing that he was in it, and that his delight had such a quality in it and was such.

Experientiae Spirituales 4466 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4466. De quodam facinoroso, Adlerheim

Per plures menses fuit circum me, principio magicus prae aliis, postea nihil aliud cogitans, quam quomodo in occulto regnare posset, tum aliis mala inferre, diversis modis, imprimis adulteria, haec prorsus animum ejus occuparunt, et hoc per plures menses, cum alii de aliis cogitabant, is de iis; plura sunt de eo quam ut memorari possint, tandem ostensum ei quale ejus jucundum, per scabiem pestilentem, quae caput ejus occupabat, et quod ideae ejus omnes similes essent, et ostensum ad vivum qualis scabies sit, quam nefandis insectis plena esset, quae titillabant, et jucundum illud faciebant, et tunc data ei facultas sciendi quod ita esset, et quod jucundum ejus tale in se haberet et tale esset.

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