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《灵界经历》 第4465节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4465

4465. The spirit who was their medium had the same speaking and thought as she had while she had been in the body, without any difference, so that there was scarcely anything of spirit present with her - this she acquired gradually. From their conversation and from their thought one can sense whether they are speaking and thinking as a person on earth, or as a spirit, as well as how much of the person's body, and how much of his or her spirit [was speaking and thinking]. When she was present, she filled the aura as though there were people in the body around me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4465

4465. The [spirit] who was their subject, had such speech and thought as [she had] while in the body, so that there was no difference, and there was scarcely anything of spirit present with her - this she acquired successively. From their speech and thoughts it can be perceived whether they think and speak as men, or as spirits; as also, how far as corporeal men, and how far as spirits. When she was present she filled the sphere [with a persuasion] as if there were men in the body about me.

Experientiae Spirituales 4465 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4465. Talis, quae subjectum earum, habebat loquelam et cogitationem, sicut dum in corpore fuit, sic ut nihil differret, ut vix aliquid spiritus adesset, et hoc successive acquisivit; ex sermone earum et ex cogitatione percipi potest, num loquantur et cogitent sicut homo, et [num] sicut spiritus, tum quantum hominis corporis, et quantum spiritus; cum aderat implebat sphaeram tanquam forent homines in corpore circum me.

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