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《灵界经历》 第4468节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4468

4468. About a certain infernal punishment

A certain profane magical spirit, medium of the female magicians, began to consider going so far as to enter by fantasies into my lungs and from there into the rest of the internal organs of my body guided by the higher knowledge I had acquired, and thus to destroy me completely, and this she was considering without my knowledge, but presently she was detected, a turmoil ensued, and she was carried down from behind, and certain hells were aroused there. After that [she was carried down] toward the left in front, and for quite a long time she suffered severe punishments.

[2] But still that element of fantasy still clung to her, and was blown to others by the magicians. Then it was permitted that she should discover something, and because she wanted to enter there with mental imagery, she was lifted up into the heavenly spiritual aura, and at that elevation she appeared suspended like a kind of ghost, and was kept thus hanging, and when she was let back, she told that she had undergone enormous torments. Another considered in herself doing likewise, and she also was made to be like a suspended ghost, and on being let back declared that she had undergone torments greater that she was able to describe. This was because they had been lifted up by their mental imagery into the very first threshold of the angelic aura. Hereby they had acquired the nature to know that their fantasy born mental imagery could be lifted up there, so that if they would not abstain, they also would be tormented by such a hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4468


A certain magical spirit, a subject of profane magical spirits of the female sex, began to think so wickedly as that she would enter by phantasies into my lungs and thus into the other viscera of the body, according to the knowledges which I had obtained, and thus would destroy me entirely. This she thought while I was ignorant of it; though the fact was soon discovered; there then arose a tumult and she was detected from behind where certain infernal things were excited. She afterwards came to the left in front, and for a considerable time suffered grievous punishment, but there still inhered in her a phantasy such as has been mentioned, and it was inspired by magical spirits into others. It was then permitted that she should detect something in the mind of others, and because she wished to enter thither by her ideas she ascended thus into the celestial spiritual sphere. From this elevation she appeared pendulous like a kind of ghost, and was kept thus pendulous for a while, and when she was remitted to her former state she said that she had suffered excessive tortures. Another one also deliberated in like manner from herself, and she was also made pendulous in the same way like a ghost, and when she was remitted said, that she had endured torments greater than she could describe. This was because they were directed by their ideas to the very first threshold of the angelic sphere. They thence contracted such a nature as to know that, whereas their ideas could by phantasies be elevated thither, if they did not abstain from their acts they would again be tormented with that infernal pain.

Experientiae Spirituales 4468 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4468. De quadam poena infernali

Quaedam magica subjectum prophanum magicarum in et sic in caetera viscera corporis, secundum cognitiones, quas adeptus, et sic perdere totum me, et hoc cogitabat me nesciente, sed mox detecta, factus est tumultus, et delata a tergo, et excitata ibi quaedam inferna; postea sinistrorsum antrorsum, et satis diu graves poenas passa; sed usque tale inhaerebat phantasiae, et a magicis aliis sufflabatur, tunc permissum ut aliquid detegeret, et quia intrare voluit ideis illuc, ita in sphaeram coelestem spiritualem [elevata], eaque elevatione visa est pendula sicut quaedam larva, et ita pendula tenebatur, et cum remissa dicebat se ingentes cruciatus sustinuisse, alia quoque deliberabat similiter in se, et illa quoque similiter sicut larva pendula facta, et cum remissa dicebat, quod cruciatus majores sustinuerit, quam quos potuit describere; et hoc ex causa quia tunc in sphaerae angelicae omnium primum limen ideis elevatae sunt: inde sibi contraxerunt eam naturam, ut phantasticae earum ideae illuc elevari possent, ut sic si non abstinerent, etiam tali inferno cruciarentur.

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