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《灵界经历》 第4469节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4469

4469. About the character of spirits

As for the character of spirits, it now seems to be something like the involuntary [in man], because [they act] not of their own free will, because they do so from the character or nature they have acquired for themselves, or as it were from instinct. Therefore, the deliberated matters especially belonging to the outward memory are hidden away, or they are not permitted to recall and make use of them. Those who are permitted to recall and make use of them are unhappy, for they are allowed to descend into worldly and bodily regions, and to decay once again, and to suffer more dreadfully than others. A certain female magician was permitted to do this because she so desired, and she so filled the aura that she was no longer a spirit, but a person on earth, speaking as one, and thinking as one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4469


As regards the disposition of spirits, it seems in their present state, to be like something involuntary, inasmuch as it is their involuntary [which acts], because they act from their disposition, or the nature they have acquired to themselves, or, as it were, from instinct. Wherefore their voluntary things, which are chiefly of the exterior memory, are stored up within, that is, they are not allowed to bring them into use. Those who are permitted to use them are unhappy in consequence of it for it is permitted them to descend into worldly and corporeal things, and thus again to become corrupt and suffer more direfully than others. This was permitted to a certain female magical spirit, because she so desired, and she so filled the sphere, that, as it were, there were no longer spirits but men about me; with whom she thought and spoke, as it were, in common.

Experientiae Spirituales 4469 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4469. De indole spirituum

Quod indolem spirituum attinet, videtur nunc se habere sicut involuntarium, quia involuntarium est eorum, quia ex indole seu natura sibi comparata, aut quasi ex instinctu [agunt]; quare voluntaria quae imprimis sunt memoriae exterioris, recondita sunt, seu non in usum iis revocare licet: quibus permittitur illa in usum revocare, sunt infelices, nam illis permittitur descendere in mundana et corporea, et sic iterum putrescere, et diriora aliis pati; cuidam magae hoc permissum, quia ita cupivit, et ea implevit sphaeram ita, ut quasi non spiritus esset sed homo, ita loquuta, ita cogitavit.

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