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《灵界经历》 第4470节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4470

4470. About the Jesuits

Jesuits appear at the same time toward the front up above and behind up above, on both sides at the same time. They had a medium below the buttocks in hell, who was attacking me during the whole of one day and the next. He was shown to me also, as to how his face had looked in life. The wicked, disgraceful and profane deeds he had perpetrated, and through him the Jesuits, cannot be described - they are the most profane of all spirits. There were others also, disciples so called of the Jesuits, separate from the former, having a filthy female medium overhead, and they operated at the same time with the spirit below the buttocks in hell. The profanities they committed cannot either be described. They were portrayed by diverse types of viperous snakes, variously spotted, more and less poisonous.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4470


The Jesuits appear as if in front above and behind above, thus on both sides at the same time. They had a subject under the nates in hell, who infested me during the whole of one day and the next. It was also shown to me how he appeared in the face, while in the life of the body. The wicked flagitious and profane things which he perpetrated, and the Jesuits through him, cannot be described; they are the most profane of all spirits. There were others also, disciples, so called, of the Jesuits, separated from them, who had for their subject a filthy female spirit above the head; they operated at the same time with the spirits already mentioned under the nates in hell. The profane things which they did cannot even be described. They were represented by serpents of different kinds, viperous, or otherwise as spotted, and more or less venomous.

Experientiae Spirituales 4470 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4470. De Jesuitis

Jesuitae apparent simul antrorsum superne et a tergo superne utrinque simul, subjectum habebant sub natibus in inferno, qui me per diem unum alterumque infestabat, ostensus mihi quoque qualis in vita apparuit facie; facinorosa, flagitiosa et prophana, quae is patravit, et per eum Jesuitae non possunt describi, sunt prophanissimi omnium. Erant alii etiam Jesuitarum discipuli ita dicti, separati ab illis, habentes subjectum faeminam spurcam super caput, et simul operabantur cum illo sub natibus in inferno, prophana quae fecerunt, nec describi possunt; repraesentati per serpentes diversi generis, viperinos, aliter maculatos, magis minusque venenatos.

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