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《灵界经历》 第4472节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4472

4472. Spirits from hell have sometimes risen up into the world of spirits, but I noticed that they did not dare to remain there, recognizing at once what kind of a state it was, saying also that they cannot do anything, and I realized that they had learned these things by means of punishments. So the spirits from hell had been instructed that this is how things are, while those who had not yet been let down into hell do not know. It takes away their delight, and this still outweighs the horror of punishment. When the horror of punishment outweighs [their delight], then it is their consummation.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4472

4472. Whenever the infernals came to me they rose into the world of spirits; but I perceived that they did not dare to remain there, since they immediately recognized what their state [there] was, saying also that they could not do anything. I perceived that they learned such things by punishments. Thus the infernals are instructed that their condition is such, but those who have not yet been let down into hell do not know; their delight indeed impels them strongly, but yet the dread of punishment prevails; when the dread of punishment prevails their consummation is being effected.

Experientiae Spirituales 4472 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4472. Infernales quandoque assurrexerunt in mundum spirituum, sed appercepi quod non ausi sint ibi manere, recognoverunt illico qualis status esset, dicentes etiam quod non possint quid, et percepi quod per punitiones talia didicerunt: ita infernales sunt instructi quod ita sint, at qui nondum in infernum demissi, non sciunt, aufert eos jucundum eorum, et [hoc] praevalet adhuc horrori poenae, cum praevalet horror poenae, tunc consummatio eorum est.

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