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《灵界经历》 第4473节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4473

4473. Continuation about sirens

The malice of the most filthy and profane siren [4468] increased gradually, as she entered first into my internal organs guided by my [anatomical] knowledge, but then she was punished in order to be frightened off, but after that her malice and profanity, which she exercised by persuasions and pretended deceitful feelings was increasing more and more even to an extreme, so that she entered into the least details of mental imagery, attaching herself to them, trying to betake her whole self into my spirit, and thereby in a most profane manner to carry me down with her into hell. This she herself declared openly, besides other criminal deeds that I do not remember. If all her magical practices and all her arts should be described, they would fill many pages. Thus in their extreme they are carried out in the least details, as in the extreme of destroying and attaching me to herself. But at this point she began to decrease.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4473


The wickedness of the most filthy and profane siren above mentioned increased by degrees. Her first attempt was to enter into my viscera according to my knowledges, but now she has been punished and thereby deterred; but since that, her wickedness and profaneness by means of persuasions and of simulated and deceitful affections have grown greater and greater, till at length they have reached such extremities, as to enter into singular my ideas, binding herself to them, and desiring to convey herself entire into my spirit, and thus most profanely to carry me down with herself into hell. This she herself openly declared, besides perpetrating other enormities which I do not remember. If all her magical practices and all her arts should be described they would fill many pages. These arts are thus brought to their highest pitch in singular things - as, in the present case, by the attempt to destroy me and conjoin me to herself - from that time, however, her power began to decline.

Experientiae Spirituales 4473 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4473. Continuatio de sirenibus

Spurcissimae et prophanae sirenis malitia per gradus increscebat, intrando primum in viscera secundum scientias meas, sed tunc punita ut inde deterrita, postea malita, prophanitas, quae persuasionibus et simulatis ac dolosis affectionibus [agebat] increbuit magis et magis, usque ad summum ut intraret in ideas singulas [et] se illis alligaret, volendo se inferre totam in spiritum meum, et sic prophanissime me deferre secum in infernum, hoc ipsa aperte dixit, praeter plura facinora, quae non memini, omnes magiae, et omnes artes si describerentur, plures paginae implerentur, ita ad summum perducuntur in singulis, ut ad summum me perdendo et conjungendo, sed tunc inde decrescere incepit.

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