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《灵界经历》 第4489节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4489

4489. He was for a long time lying hidden underneath, but I sensed repugnance against the truths of faith, not knowing that it came from him, but it was discovered; then also, that he was arousing most filthy things even among profane spirits of hell, for they afterwards clung to him, for they had their inward qualities from him. For example, when I thought about the urine, then at once there came to mind what is against the Lord and the truths of faith. Hence the greatest profanity was stirred up among profane spirits of hell, so that I had trouble urinating - this due simply to his filthy inward thought against the truth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4489

4489. He was for a long time lurking beneath, but I perceived repugnances [in my mind] against the truths of faith, not knowing that they were from him; but this was detected [afterwards], as also that he excited most filthy things even among the profane infernals, for they subsequently adhered to him; they had their interior [things] from him; for example, while I was thinking concerning the urine, there immediately occurred to them what was against the Lord and the truths of faith, whence [something] most profane was excited among the profane infernals, so that I could with difficulty urinate, [and] this only from his interior filthy thought against the truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 4489 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4489. Is erat diu latens infra, sed percipiebam repugnantias contra vera fidei, nesciens quod ab eo, sed detectum, tum quoque quod is excitaret spurcissima apud infernales etiam prophanos, nam ei postea adhaerebant, habebant sua interiora ab eo, sicut dum cogitavi de urina, tunc statim ei ob408 venit quod contra Dominum et vera fidei, inde prophanissimum excitabatur apud prophanos infernales, ut cum molestia mingerem; hoc solum ex interiore ejus cogitatione spurca contra verum.

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