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《灵界经历》 第4490节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4490

4490. He was also able to receive truths, such as the truth that love and its different kinds constitute heaven, that there must be equilibrium, and the like, and to accept them, but he still remained the same.

Because he eagerly pursued reputation, before these qualities were detected, he was favored, but afterwards he was let into a urinary vessel or tub, which he did not fear, but when he was called a robber and shown that he was among the worst - this, now, he did not tolerate.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4490

4490. He was able also to receive truths, as that love and its differences constitute heaven, that there must be an equilibrium, and that he ought also to receive these [truths], but still he was such [as he was], because he was much bent on fame. Before these things were detected, there was favor shown to him, but he was afterwards sent into a vessel of urine, and a tun, which, however, he did not fear. But it was told [me] that he had been a robber, and it was shown that he was among the worst. This punishment he had not undergone before.

Experientiae Spirituales 4490 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4490. Ille potuit etiam recipere vera, sicut quod amor et ejus differentiae constituant coelum, aequilibrium esse debeat, et similia, et illa recipere, sed usque erat talis. Quia famae multum studuit, antequam detecta sunt illa, ei favebatur, sed postea missus in urinae matulam et tonnam, quod nec timebat, sed [cum] dictus latro, et ostensum quod inter pessimos esset, hoc primum non toleravit.

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