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《灵界经历》 第4493节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4493

4493. Suddenly a certain spirit arrived up above toward the front, at whose arrival that robber was suddenly seized with terror, and cast himself downwards, and could not get down deep enough without wanting to go even deeper. He said that that spirit terrified him, making up reasons. But it was discovered that he had killed that person, and was said to have thought up various ways of ensnaring him to take his life. This shows with what terror [murderers] are struck when their victims arrive on the scene - that they are grievously frightened at their first approach.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4493

4493. There came suddenly a certain one above in front, at whose coming that robber was seized with a sudden terror, and cast himself downward, but could not do so as deeply as he would, as he would fain have gone deeper; he said he greatly feared him, alleging fictitious reasons, but it was discovered that he had murdered him, and it was [also] said, that he had previously thought of the different ways in which he might lay wait against him so as to take his life. Hence it may be manifest with what kind of terror [murderers] are stricken when their victims come upon them, [viz.] that they are grievously terrified at their very first approach.

Experientiae Spirituales 4493 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4493. Veniebat subito quidam superne antrorsum, ad cujus adventum ille latro subito terrore correptus est, et se projiciebat deorsum, nec potuit tam profunde ac [non] vellet profundius, dicebat quod illum extimesceret, quasdam causas fingens; sed detectum, quod illum necaverit, et dictum quod diversis modis cogitaverit, quomodo vitae ejus insidiaretur; inde constare potest, quali terrore percutiantur quando tales adventant, quod a prima approximatione graviter terreantur.

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