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《灵界经历》 第4494节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4494

4494. Again a crime was discovered that he had committed against a certain one, a woman, whom perhaps he had raped, that he had killed her by a magical art, about which spirits spoke, that is occult but still known to some on earth, enabling them to kill another without any instrument, poison, or dagger, or any other device, but by means of a magical privation of breathing. This he had practiced, and by that art he took away the life of the aforementioned [4493], then also of this woman.

[2] She was recognized by the fact that she flew up to him and kissed him, whereupon he was tormented by a hellish torture. The very indifference, and the pleasure he felt in this matter was also communicated to me - it was a delight to him, without any noticeable horror. Some of the spirits then spoke and said that they also had practiced the same art.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4494

4494. There was detected at another time a crime which he had committed against a woman, whom, perhaps, he had violated; namely that he had killed her by a certain magical art, concerning which the spirits spoke, [saying] that it was a hidden art, though still known to some on earth, and that [some] are able to kill others without the use of any knife, sword or dagger, or other [instrument], and that it was [effected] by a magical stopping of the breath. This art he was skilled in, and by means of it took the life of the one first mentioned, and also of the woman, who was recognized from the fact that she flew to him, and kissed him; and that he was thereupon tormented with internal suffering. The very indifference [to consequences] and the delight which he felt in the deed were also wonderfully communicated [to me]: his delight was without any symptom of horror. Certain [spirits] also spoke afterwards, and said that they were skilled in the same art.

Experientiae Spirituales 4494 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4494. Iterum detegebatur facinus quod commiserit contra unam, faeminam, quam forte stupravit, quod illam necaverit arte magica, de qua loquuti sunt, et quae occulta est, sed usque aliquibus in tellure nota, quod necare alium possint, praeter [per] aliquod externum, venenum, aut sicam aut aliud quoddam, quod erat per privationem respirationis magicam, hoc calluit, et per eam artem ademit vitam priori, tum etiam huic faeminae: quae detecta inde, quod volavit ad eum et osculata eum, et tunc cruciabatur ille infernali cruciatu; ipsum indifferens, et jucundum quod ille habuit in eo, etiam mecum communicabatur, erat ei jucundum absque ulla horroris nota. Quidam etiam loquuti dein et dicebant quod eandem artem calluerint.

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