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《灵界经历》 第4518节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4518

4518. At length they came so far that they had discovered the arts for attaching themselves even to the spontaneous aspects of the mental imagery, for every image has also a spontaneous property, of which the person is unaware. So there is a voluntary [or willed] aspect and an involuntary [or spontaneous] aspect to the mental imagery of the memory or thought. This they discover by operating at nighttime, and picturing themselves as adhering to the hair in the occiput, under the cerebellum. They know that at nighttime man is in an involuntary state, and that the cerebellum is the source of that involuntary, and thus that the hairs growing there stand for those things that adhere, resulting in a combing of the hair in hell: the hairs standing for the superficial earthly qualities.

So I was attached to the most profane medium, and at that time was almost in a different state, able less than before to think as if by my own power, my mental imagery being led more forcefully against my will.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4518

4518. At length they proceeded so far as to invent arts of binding themselves even to the spontaneous things of ideas; for every idea has also a spontaneous [element], which man is not aware of, so that there is both a voluntary and a spontaneous in the ideas of the memory or thought. This they discover by means of their operating in the right time, and feigning themselves to adhere to the locks of hair which are upon the occiput under the cerebellum. In the night time they know that man is in his spontaneous principles, and the cerebellum is that from which the spontaneous flows, and thus that the locks of hair which are there are such things as adhere, whence there is a combing the hair in hell: hairs are the external natural. I was thus bound to a most profane subject, and being then in a state almost [entirely] different, I was less able than before to think as of myself, my ideas being led more forcibly and against my will.

Experientiae Spirituales 4518 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4518. Tandem eo venerunt, ut invenerint artes se alligandi etiam spontaneis idearum, nam quaelibet idea spontaneum quoque habet, quod homo nescit, sic ut sit voluntarium et spontaneum in ideis memoriae seu cogitationis, hoc inveniunt per id, quod hoc faciant tempore noctis, et fingant se adhaerescere crinibus, qui in occipitio, sub cerebello; tempore noctis sciunt quod homo in spontaneis sit, et quod cerebellum sit ex quo spontaneum, et sic quod crines qui ibi sint talia quae adhaerent, inde est pectere crines in inferno: crines sunt naturalia externa. Alligatus sum ita prophanissimo subjecto, et tunc eram fere in alio statu, minus quam prius cogitare potui sicut a me, ducebantur ideae magis violenter, contra voluntatem.

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