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《灵界经历》 第4523节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4523

4523. That involuntary, also felt as refined, was like a kind of imperceptible airiness, occupying the whole posterior region.

Involuntary elements are nothing else but hereditary qualities. To the extent that man leads himself according to hereditary qualities, to that extent he thrusts himself toward hell, but to the extent that he recedes from them, to that extent he is lifted up. Moreover, the force is increased, and grows, when qualities are made one's own by bringing them into act. The heredity from infancy appears tenuous, like something airy, but it is solid, consisting of nothing but evil, and when it approaches the act, it becomes grosser, and heavier.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4523

4523. That involuntary was perceived as being of a subtle nature, a certain something aerial and insensible, occupying the entire posterior region.

Involuntary things are nothing else than hereditary; so far as a man leads himself according to hereditary [promptings], so far he sinks himself down towards hell; as far as he recedes from them, so far he is elevated. The power of this principle, moreover is augmented by the actualizing of a man's propria, and thus continually increases. The hereditary from infancy appears subtle like a something aerial, but it is continuous [from its origin], so as to be nothing but evil, but when actuality accedes, it becomes more gross and ponderous.

Experientiae Spirituales 4523 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4523. Involuntarium illud perceptum etiam subtile, sicut quoddam aereum insensibile, totam posteriorem regionem occupans. Involuntaria non aliud sunt quam haereditaria, quantum se ducit homo secundum haereditaria, tantum se detrudit versus infernum, quantum autem recedit ab illis, tantum elevatur: praeter quod tunc per actualia propria augeatur, et sic crescit vis; haereditarium ab infantia apparet subtile sicut aereum sed est continuum, ut nihil nisi malum, sed cum accedit actuale, fit crassius et ponderosius.

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