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《灵界经历》 第4528节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4528

4528. Magicians in the other life are very numerous, appearing toward the front, a long way toward the left, at a level lower down, and it was said that their number was huge, consisting both of those who had become skilled in magical arts in the world, and of those who had not, namely of those who had led a life of evil, and had enjoyed with zeal learning about anything. That zeal, or that passion, is turned into magic, so that they desire nothing more than to learn magical arts, such as (Aderheim).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4528

4528. There are very many of the magical class in the other life. They appear in front to the left for a long distance, on a plane below, and it was said, that their number was great, consisting as much of those who had been skilled in magic arts in the world, as of those who had not; that is, of those who had lived a life of evil, and were carried away with the delight and study of knowing everything. This study or this cupidity is turned into magic, so that [those in whom it reigns] desire nothing more ardently than to addict themselves to magical things, as Adlerheim.

Experientiae Spirituales 4528 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4528. Magici in altera vita perplures sunt, apparent antrorsum ad sinistrum longa via, inferius in plano, et dictum quod ingens eorum numerus sit, tam ex illis qui magicas artes in mundo calluerunt, quam ex iis qui non calluerunt, nempe qui vitam mali egerunt, et aliquo studio quocunque sciendi delectati sunt, hoc studium seu haec cupido vertitur in magicum, ut nihil potius cupiant quam magica addiscere, ut Adlerheim.

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