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《灵界经历》 第453节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 453

453. There are souls released from the body coming into the other life who love to be chastised, punished and tortured

There are also souls who are of a character opposite to that of the rest, or of Europeans - I was told they were from Africa - who, upon entering into the other life, love to be chastised, even treated harshly, hoping that good will result from it; and if not punished, they are displeased.

There are likewise some who treat them harshly, whom they call devils, one of whom was shown to me. His body was dirty or yellowish, and gnarled. The bad treatments they undergo are of different kinds. The kind shown to me was one in which an eagle had alighted on their head and taken away their brain, which was done with a pain matching the fantasies - for these produce dreadful ones. Another is by different kinds of sharp punishments, which they love. Yet because of the painful sensations, they finally begin to shun these, and at the same time the spirits who are tormenting them, whom they call devils.

Thus they shed the fantasies, and believe that they are being brought into heaven, which, as they now say, no one can enter but by punishments and afflictions. This is what that people believes and stores deeply in its conscience, for which reason they are treated accordingly, and thereby obtain the reward of coming into joyful states, which they call Paradisal. And they see pleasure gardens, and very many lovely things, after coming to hate the gang tormenting them.

For a long time they spoke with me, and their speaking was accompanied with a kind of clicking sound, like that of a rag [being shaken], by which they can be recognized.

These and the things previously told to me [lead to the conclusion] that a greater proportion [of people] from Africa, than from other regions of the earth, are introduced into heaven; for their conscience in these matters is somewhat in the way of truth. 1748, the 7th day of January.

They wish me to write that they are entirely in the way of truth, because they know this from their paradisal [states].

mThey say that they do not love their own race only, but all however many there are in heaven, so that they have an ingrained universal love. They detest blackness of the body, for they know that their souls are shining white, but their bodies black, which they loathe. Later, they do not have that clicking speech, but a thinking like angelic thought, and they are overhead, as they now are.n

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 453


There are also souls of a disposition contrary to that of the rest, that is, of the European. I was told that they were from Africa. These, when they enter the other life, love to be chastised, even harshly treated, hoping for good thereby, and if they are not punished they are indignant. There are also some whom they call devils who treat them harshly. One of them was shown me. He was in a filthy, or yellow, gnarled body. Their evil treatments are of various kinds. This kind was shown me: An eagle alighted upon their head, and snatched away the brain, which was done with pain according to their phantasies, for they furnish those severe phantasies. [They are tortured] also by a species of acute punishments; this they love, but still from the painful sensations they at length begin to be averse to them, and at the same time, to those who torment them, whom they call devils. Thus they put off their phantasies and believe that they are introduced into heaven, into which, as they now say, no one can enter except by punishments and afflictions. These people believe this, and store it up deeply in their conscience, which is the reason that they are also treated in like manner, and thence obtain the reward that they come into more gladsome things which they call paradisal. They also see paradises and very many pleasant things. Afterwards they hold the crowd of those tormenting them in hatred. They spoke with me for some time. Their speech is conjoined with a kind of colliding, like that of cloth [rubbed together] by which they can be distinguished. From this, and from the things told me before, [it is evident] that more are introduced into heaven from Africa than from other parts of the earth: for in these things their conscience is in a certain way of truth. 1748, Jan. 7.

[453a.] They desired me to write that they are altogether in the way of truth because they know this from the paradisal [surroundings]. They say that they love not only their own race, but all, whoever they are in heaven, thus they have a general love [for all] inseated in them. They detest the blackness of their body, for they know their souls are white, but their bodies black, which they abominate. Afterwards they have not such a clashing speech, but their thought is, as it were, angelic, and they are above the head, as now. 1


1. This paragraph, unnumbered in the MS., was begun at the foot of the page and continued in the margin.

Experientiae Spirituales 453 (original Latin 1748-1764)

453. Quod sint animae solutae a corpore in alteram vitam venientes, quae castigari, puniri, ac torqueri amant

Sunt quoque animae, quae contraria indole sunt, quam caeterae, seu Europeanae, dictum mihi est, quod essent ex Africa, ii dum in alteram vitam intrant, amant castigari, imo duriter tractari, inde bonum sperantes, et absque punitione indignantur, sunt quidam etiam qui duriter eos tractant, quos vocant diabolos, unus eorum mihi ostensus est, erat turpi seu flavo nodosoque corpore, eorum tractationes malae sunt diversimodi 1

, id genus mihi monstratum est, quod aquila sederit super caput eorum, et abstulerit cerebrum, quod factum cum dolore secundum phantasias, nam duras eas praebent; tum per species punitionum acutarum, hoc amant, sed usque ex dolorificis sensationibus, tandem incipiunt ea aversari, et simul eos, qui eos cruciant, quos diabolos vocant, sic phantasias exuunt, ac in coelum introduci se credunt, in quod, ut nunc dicunt, nemo intrare potest nisi per punitiones et afflictiones, hoc populus ille credit, et alte recondit in sua conscientia, quare etiam similiter tractantur, ac inde obtinent praemium, quod in laetiora veniant, quae vocant Paradisiaca, ac vident paradisos, et perplures amaenitates, postquam odio habeant turbam eos cruciantem; diu mecum loquuti sunt, sermo eorum est conjunctus cum quodam collisu, quasi panni, ex quo dignosci possunt; ex quibus, et iis quae mihi prius dicta sunt, ex Africa major pars quam ex aliis partibus terrae, introducuntur in coelum; nam conscientia eorum, in iis, in quadam via veritatis est. 1748, die 7 Jan.

Desiderant ut scribam, quod prorsus in via veritatis sint, quia id ex paradisiacis sciunt.

(m)Dicunt, quod non suam gentem solum ament, sed quod omnes quotcunque in coelo sunt, sic amorem communem insitum habent: nigredinem corporis detestantur, nam sciunt quod animae eorum candidae sint, corpora autem nigra, quae abominantur. Postea non iis est loquela talis collisa, sed cogitatio sicut angelica, et sunt super caput ut nunc.(n)


1. The Manuscript has divesimodi

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