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《灵界经历》 第4530节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4530

4530. What kind [of spirits] are also with people on earth who harbor hatred against anyone

There was a certain woman who inwardly harbored such a hatred against her parents at home that she thought about killing them with poison, and because she imagined that I wanted to espouse her, and she had been mistaken in her fantasy and married [another] man, she was then seized with such a hatred that she thought of killing me if she could (Sara Hesselia). As she had died shortly after that, before [the way] was opened to me to speak with spirits, it happened that I desired to kill myself with a knife. This impulse so increased that I was forced to hide my knife in my desk, so as to remove it from my sight.

I have now discovered that it was the spirit of that woman who, whenever I saw that knife, was aroused, and so tightly urge this on my mind, due to the hatred she had contracted against me. This shows that people on earth can be attacked by the dead who had harbored hatred for them, without their knowing it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4530


There was a certain female who inwardly cherished such a hatred towards her parents at home that she thought of taking them off by poison; and as she imagined that I was willing to marry her, and deceived herself with the phantasy of being married to the man [of her choice], she was at length [upon finding herself disappointed] seized with such a hatred that she thought of murdering me, had it been possible (:Sara Hesselia:). She having died not long after, and before the faculty of speaking with spirits was opened with me, it happened that I was impelled to put an end to my life with a knife, and this impulse so grew upon me, that I was forced to hide the knife in my desk, and thus to remove it out of my sight. I have now discovered that that woman was the spirit who prompted the impulse, she having become excited as often as I saw the knife, and, from the enmity which she had conceived against me, having held the object fixedly in my mind. From this it may appear that men may be unconsciously infested by the dead, who have cherished hatred towards them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4530 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4530. Qui odio habent aliquem, quales sunt etiam apud hominem

Erat quaedam faemina, quae intus tale odium habuit contra parentes domi, ut cogitaverit eos veneno necare, et quia putabat quod ego desponsare vellem eam, et illa in sua phantasia fefellit, et maritata est viro, tanto dein odio percita fuit, ut cogitaverit me necare si potuisset (Sara Hesselia) ; cum illa mortua erat paulo post, antequam apertum erat mihi ut loquerer cum spiritibus, accidit quod cultro cuperem me interficere, quae cupiditas tantum increvit, ut cultrum meum in scrinio abscondere, sic ut removere coactus essem ab oculis, nunc detectum est, quod illa faemina ejus spiritus esset, quae quoties videbam cultrum, excitabatur, et hoc in animo meo tam fixe detineret, ex odio quod cepit contra me; inde constare potest, quod homines infestari queant a mortuis, qui odio habuerunt eos, iis nescientibus.

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