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《灵界经历》 第4539节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4539

4539. Such spirits are also able to reason about the truths of faith, saying that he knew this or that to be true, also that truth to the evil is falsity, and the reverse. 1But still they are hellish spirits, for they had acquired a delight in magical arts, the practicing of which enabled them to commit adultery, just as another by the same means was able to murder others. That enjoyment remains, and draws them down toward hell.


1. I.e. that falsity to the evil is truth -Ed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4539

4539. Such [spirits] can also reason respecting the truths of faith, saying, that they know that this and that is true, as also that what is true [in itself] is false to the evil, and vice versa; but still they are infernal, because they have contracted to themselves a delight in magical things, and were enabled, from their practicing these arts, to commit adultery, just as others by the same means, could take the lives of their fellow-creatures. This delight remains and drags them [down] to hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 4539 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4539. Tales possunt quoque ratiocinari de veris fidei, dicendo quod sciret hoc ac illud verum esse, tum quod verum sit malis falsum, et vicissim; sed usque infernales sunt, quia jucundum in magicis sibi acquisiverunt, quod sic adulterari possent, ex eo quod id exercuerunt, sicut alius quod sic necare posset alios; jucundum hoc permanet, et ad infernum eos detrahit.

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