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《灵界经历》 第4541节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4541

4541. Moreover, through the whole night there had been magicians around me in great number, also those previously called forth from hell, practicing their arts. Several times I awoke, and was surprised to see them arranged round about, above, in a long file toward the front, having their filthy mediums arranged according to their arts, then the mediums they multiplied by fantasies, so they were not found, even though they appeared there, taking away communication with the angels, as they imagined, besides other tricks, but all futile.

There were some who bound the inward parts of the body in various ways, some who bound the mental imagery, and such things, but in vain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4541

4541. There were moreover around me during the whole night a great number of magicians, some of them having been previously evoked from hell, and they exercised their arts. Being occasionally awakened, I was surprised to see them disposed round about, above, and in a long row in front, and having their vile subjects disposed also according to their arts, as also other subjects whom they multiplied by phantasies, in consequence of which they could not really be found, although they appeared there. They supposed themselves to be taking away communication with the angels, besides a great many other things, but all in vain.

There were some who bound interiors of the body, some who bound the ideas, and the like, but still abortively.

Experientiae Spirituales 4541 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4541. Praeterea per totam noctem circum me fuerunt magici multi numeri, etiam priores evocati ab inferno, et exercuerunt suas artes, aliquibus vicibus expergefactus, et miratus, dispositi erant circumcirca, supra, longa serie antrorsus, sua spurca subjecta habentes dispositos secundum suas artes, tum subjecta quae per phantasias multiplicabantur, sic ut non invenirentur, tametsi ibi apparerent; dementes communicationes, ut putabant cum angelis, praeter plura alia, sed omnia incassum. Erant qui varie ligabant interiora corporis, qui ligabant ideas, et talia, sed incassum.

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