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《灵界经历》 第4542节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4542

4542. About instant justification

Many bring with them from the world the notion that they may obtain remission of sins in a moment, and that then nothing is accounted to them that they had previously done, some of them to that insane extreme, that they may sin, because after a certain time they may have momentaneous remission - there are many such of various religions. They bring with them these fantasies, that if they only in fancy can cast out the filthy qualities in themselves, they are free of all sins.

But they were shown that this is a fantasy. A certain female symbolically inwardly full of poisonous snakes (profane hell) imagined that if she could only cast out those clusters of snakes like excrement through her posteriors, she would be liberated. This was done two or three times. Such insanity is born when they do not care about how they live, but claim that faith alone without works is saving, and that they can be justified, even if it were the last hour of life, no matter how they had lived.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4542


Many [spirits] bring with them a persuasion from the world that they may have remission of sins in a moment, and that then nothing of the past is imputed to them. Some attain to that pitch of infatuation as to suppose that they may sin [with impunity], inasmuch as [they presume that] they may, after a certain time, obtain momentaneous remission. There are many such in the various kinds of religions. They retain with them the phantasy that if they could by phantasies get rid of the foul things [abiding] with them they would be free from all kinds of sins; but it was shown them that this was a phantasy. A certain female spirit who was interiorly filled with poisonous serpents of a representative nature (:her infernal profane:) supposed that could she only void those knots of serpents like ordinary stools, she should be entirely freed, which was [in fact] done twice or three times. Such infatuation arises from not regarding life, but saying that faith without works is saving, and that justification may take place in the last hour of life, let one have lived as he may.

Experientiae Spirituales 4542 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4542. De justificatione subita

Trahunt plerique e mundo secum, quod momento habeant remissionem peccatorum, et quod nihil tunc imputetur quod prius factum, quidam usque ad eam vesaniam, ut possint peccare, quia post aliquot tempus habent remissionem momentaneam, tales sunt plures in varia religione. Illi habent secum eas phantasias, si modo per phantasias possint ejicere spurca apud se, quod ab omnibus peccatis liberi sint, sed ostensum iis quod hoc phantasia sit: quaedam interius repraesentative serpentibus venenosis plena (prophanum infernum) putabat cum modo posset sicut excrementum per posteriora ejicere serpentes illos, et glomos, quod liberata, quod bis et ter factum, talis vesania nascitur ex eo quod non curent vitam, sed dicant fidem solam absque operibus salvare, et quod justificari queant si foret in ultima vitae hora, utcunque vixerint.

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