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《灵界经历》 第4544节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4544

4544. About the wakeful state of the good and the dreaming state of the evil


Nordberg complained that he was like this in his dreams, and had therefore done these things while dreaming, but he was told that the evil, or those devoid of conscience, are in such a sleeping state, because their inward parts can no longer awaken. When their outer qualities are taken away, then their inner ones have no more light, thus no more wakefulness. The case is otherwise with those who had had a conscience, and who then inwardly had been different. When their outer qualities are taken away, then they awaken into full consciousness. 24545.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4544


Nordberg complained that he was in such a dream, and thus had done these things in a dream; but it was said to him that the evil, or those without conscience, are in such a kind of sleep, because their interiors cannot be any more awakened. When external things are taken away, then their internal have no more light, thus no more wakefulness. The case is otherwise with those who have had conscience, and have thus been inwardly different: when externals are taken away from them, they are then roused to full wakefulness.

Experientiae Spirituales 4544 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4544. De vigilia bonorum et somnio malorum


Norborg conquestus, quod in somnio tali esset, et sic in somnio illa fecisset, sed dictum ei, quod mali seu qui absque conscientia sint in tali somno, quia interiora eorum non plus evigilari possunt, cum externa auferuntur, tunc interna illorum non plus lucis habent, ita non plus vigilae, aliter ii qui conscientiam habuerunt, et qui sic intus alii fuerunt, cum auferuntur iis externa, tunc evigilantur in vigiliam.

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