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《灵界经历》 第4543节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4543

4543. About Doctor Nordberg

In a dream I held gold pressed in coins. Someone came, it was Nordberg, who wished to see the coins, and then the gold turned into something else, not coins, and this happened several times, until he had taken all, as well as other things. When I awoke, I was told with certainty that it was Nordberg, and it seemed also to me that it was he, and that this was his character, and more so, that he would not have cared if he had injured or even killed for the sake of gold, and that he had in fact committed such a crime, and that he is therefore among his like in the other life, thus without conscience. Moreover I was told that I should reflect on the character of those who are priests, and outwardly appear honorable. I spoke for some time with him about the quality of his state.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4543


In a dream I seemed to myself to have a keepsake of gold among several pieces of money. A certain person came, it was Nordberg, who wished to see them; whereupon he changed the monies into other gold, not into coin, however, and this repeatedly, till at last he had taken away the whole, besides several other things. [During this time] he was standing at the back of my head. When awoke I was assured with asservation, that it was Nordberg, who in fact was seen by me as having been the man, and also as being of such a quality, and moreover that he would not have care had he wounded or killed a man for the sake of getting at the gold, and indeed that he had actually perpetrated something of the kind, consequently that he was in affinity with spirits of such a quality in the other life, and thus devoid of conscience. It was [moreover] suggested to me to reflect upon the characters of such as were priests, and appeared of upright external deportment. With this man I spoke for some time concerning the quality of his state.

Experientiae Spirituales 4543 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4543. De Doct: Nordberg

In somnio habui aurum domatum in monetis, quidam venit, erat Nordberg, qui illas videre vellet, et tunc mutavit in aliud aurum, non moneticum, et hoc aliquoties, usque dum tolleret omnia, praeter alia, erat ad occiput, cum evigilatus, dicebatur mihi cum asseveratione quod fuisset Nordberg, qui etiam mihi visus quod ille, et quod talis, et magis quod non curavisset si propeter aurum sauciasset, imo occidisset hominem, et quod aliquid tale patravisset, et sic quod talis sit inter eos in altera vita, ita absque conscientia, et dictum mihi, quod reflecterem quales sunt, qui sacerdotes, et externa forma usque apparent honesti,loquutus aliquamdiu cum eo, de ejus statu, qualis esset.

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