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《灵界经历》 第4546节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4546

4546. Toward the left, also a long way off, are the profane Antediluvians, 1enveloped in a murky cloud, virtually a rock. No one can be let in there, because the inhabitants are of such a dreadful persuasion that they almost kill those who draw near. Several times it was granted me to observe how one attempts to cut the other to pieces, as happens with those who attempt to escape.

[2] To the right at an angle toward the front are the deceitful, and more deeply down, those who are more deceitful. And further away, at an angle forward and to the right, are sorcerers in a large space where there are also Egyptian sorcerers and others of that period.

To the left in an almost straight line bending slightly to the front to a great distance, are those who had not feared death, but at the same time had not feared God or man, thus who had had no religion and scarcely any outer restraints of shame and modesty. At that side nearer to the foot are those like them, but by degrees more timid.


1. People who lived before the flood.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4546

4546. On the left, for a considerable distance also, are the profane antediluvians, in a dark cloud, something like a rock. No one can be let in there; for they are in so dire a persuasion as almost to slay those who approach. Several times it was granted me to observe how one there endeavors to kill another. This occurs with those who strive to get away. On the right, obliquely in front, are the crafty; yea, the deeper you go the more crafty they are; and still farther, obliquely in front, on the right, in an extensive region, are magicians; there, also, are the magicians of Egypt, and others of that time. In nearly a straight line to the left, and somewhat to the front, for a considerable distance, are those who have not feared death, and yet, at the same time, have feared neither God nor man - thus who have no religion, and hardly any external bonds of shame and modesty. On that side, closer to the feet, are similar characters, but more timid, by degrees.

Experientiae Spirituales 4546 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4546. Ad sinistrum ad magnam etiam distantiam sunt prophani antediluviani, in caliginoso nimbo, sicut petra, illuc nemo immitti potest, nam in tam dira persuasione sunt, ut paene enecent illos qui appellunt, aliquoties animadvertere mihi datum, quomodo ibi unus alterum trucidare conatur, quod fit cum illis qui emergere nituntur. Ad dextrum oblique antrorsum sunt dolosi, etiam profundius quo dolosiores; et longius oblique antrorsus ad dextrum sunt magi, in magno spatio, ibi etiam sunt magi Aegyptii, et tunc temporis alii. Ad sinistrum linea paene recta, et perpaulo antrorsum ad multam distantiam, sunt illi qui non timuerunt mortem, sed simul non timuerunt Deum nec homines, ita qui nullam religionem habuerunt, et vix aliqua vincula externa pudoris et modestiae. Ad illud latus propinquius ad pedem sunt similes sed per gradus timidiores.

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