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《灵界经历》 第4547节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4547

4547. At the back under the earth are demons of every kind about whom nothing is heard, and when anyone is sent there he does not see anyone. But how they are discerned I have not been allowed to learn.

At the right a little toward the front are the brothels of lewd men and those there are hedonists. They live in excrement.

Under the tailbone, too, are hells filled with excrement. That is where the hells of evil demons begin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4547

4547. At the back, under the earth, are genii of every kind, concerning whom I hear nothing; and when anyone is let in there, he does not see anyone: but how they are distinguished, it is not granted to know. On the right, a little in front, are the brothels of the lascivious; and [there] are the voluptuous, who are in excrementitious [hells]. Under the cauda 1are also excrementitious hells. There, the hells of the genii commence.


1. The allusion seems to be to the bunch of nerve-roots called the cauda equina, which is situated at the extremity of the spinal column.

Experientiae Spirituales 4547 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4547. A tergo sub terra sunt omnis generis genii, de quibus nihil auditur, et cum aliquis illuc mittitur, non videt aliquem, sed quomodo illi distincti sunt, non datum est scire. Ad dextrum paulo antrorsus sunt palestrae lascivorum; et sunt voluptuosi, qui in excrementitiis. Sub cauda sunt quoque inferna excrementitia, ibi inferna geniorum inchoant.

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