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《灵界经历》 第4549节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4549

4549. From the Lord there is nothing but good

Certain spirits had implanted the notion that the Lord also does evil to the evil, because sometimes, as if by Providence, the evil are stirred up to doing [evil] so that they may be punished, as I have many times observed. However, it was replied to them that this does not happen, but they are punished because they stand in opposition to those in heaven to whom the Lord does good. For the hells are antagonistic toward the societies in heaven, and when the Lord does good to these, gifts them with better states of mind, and places them in a more blessed location, then those who are their antagonists are distressed and stirred up because this is painful to them although they do not know why. And when the Lord does good, those spirits, because they are of full of ill will, are punished. It was also granted me to tell them this, for I spoke with them. They were the ones toward the right in hell whom I presume to be from among the Jesuits. They are cunning and also practice magic and are more subtle than others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4549


Certain spirits infused [the notion] that the Lord does evil to the evil, because when the evil are excited, as it were from Providence, to the commission of evil, they are punished, as has many times been observed. But I replied to them, that this only occurs for the reason that they stand in an opposite state and situation to those in heaven to whom the Lord does good; for the hells are antagonistic to the societies in heaven, and when the Lord does good to the latter, grants them better states and places them in a happier situation, then those who are antagonistic to them are tormented and aroused, because this to them is pain, although they do not know it; and, so, when the Lord does good, they who will evil are punished. This also it was granted to tell them, for I spoke with them: they were those who were on the right hand in hell, whom I affirm to be of the Jesuits, who are crafty, and also magical, and more subtle than others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4549 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4549. Quod a Domino nihil nisi bonum

Quidam infuderunt quod Dominus etiam malum faciat malis, quia quando[que] quasi ex Providentia mali excitantur ad faciendum malum ut puniantur, quod pluries observatum, sed responsum illis, quod hoc non fiat, sed quia illi obstant illis quibus Dominus in coelo benefacit, sunt enim inferna antagonistae societatum in coelo, et cum Dominus illis bonum facit, dat meliores status, reponit in beatiori situ, tunc illi qui sunt eorum antagonistae anguntur, et excitantur, quia illis hoc est dolor, tametsi nesciunt, et sic cum Dominus bonum facit, illi quia male volunt, puniuntur, hoc etiam illis dicere datum erat, nam loquebar cum illis, erant qui dextrorsum in inferno, quos autumo ex Jesuitis esse, qui dolosi et quoque magici, subtiliores aliis.

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