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《灵界经历》 第4550节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4550

4550. About a blasphemer of the Word and of religion, perhaps Wolff 1

A certain one appeared at the left, and it became quiet; then he spoke, and it seemed to be Wolf [sic]. Afterwards he came nearer, and then an aura spread out from him all around as if he were the god of the universe. The aura lasted for quite a long time. Meanwhile he said to whoever was there that he was the greatest on earth and that there was not anyone as learned as he, but they could not be convinced. In reply it was said to him that the matters in which he had become learned were only means to wisdom, in which nothing of wisdom was present unless they were applied, and that for him they might have been means of becoming insane and of extinguishing truths with himself. There was actually a conversation with him about these things, too.

He came nearer but at a lower level, after which that aura ceased because other spirits were then with him. He then wanted to know about everything in the other life and also about the arcana of the Word's inner meaning, and apparently avidly. He certainly did learn a few things, but as soon as he returned to his own spirits, that is, to the life of his own principles, he ridiculed them. He was told that his desire to learn them was solely for the sake of making himself great and for the sake of profit, and how it was with this was shown, namely that such in the world also appear filled with such artificial zeal. 1752, 11 Jan.


1. The Wolf here spoken of cannot be Christian Wolff, the mathematician and Leibnitzian philosopher whom Swedenborg mentions in his theological works, since he did not die until 1754, and the present entry is dated January 11, 1752. This Wolf must be Johan Christoph Wolf, pastor-in-chief of St. Catharine's Church, Hamburg, on whom Swedenborg called in Hamburg, on August 2, 1736, and who died in 1738.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4550


A certain one appeared at the left, and there was silence; then he spoke, and it was perceived he was like Wolf. 1After that, he was nearer, and then was diffused from him round about, a sphere, as if he were the God of the universe, which sphere lasted quite a long time. Meantime, he said to certain spirits that he had been the greatest in the earth, and no one so learned as he; but of this they could not be persuaded. He was told that such things as he had been learned in, were only means to wisdom, wherein there is no wisdom unless they be applied; and that to him they had been a means of insanity and of extinguishing with himself truths. Concerning these there was also discourse with him. He approached nearer but lower down, after which that sphere ceased [for then were granted him other spirits]. He then wished to know about everything in the other life, and also the arcana of the internal sense of the Word; and this, apparently, from an inclination in their favor. He also learned some things; but, as soon as he repaired to his own spirits, that is, to the life of his own principles, he ridiculed them. It was said to him that he only wished to know these things for the purpose of making himself great, and of getting gain. It was also shown how the case is with this matter, that, namely, such as he, in the world, appear to be under the influence of zeal, which zeal, however, is spurious, etc. -1752, January 11.


1. The Wolf here spoken of cannot well be Christian Wolf, the mathematician and Leibnitzian philosophy mentioned in TCR 696, since he did not die till 1754 (see Dr. Tafel's "Documents," vol. i., p. 617), and the present article is dated 11th January, 1752. This Wolf must be, Johan Christoph Wolf, pastor-in-chief of St. Catharine's Church, Hamburg, on whom Swedenborg called, in Hamburg, on the 2nd of August 1736 (see Dr. Tafel's "Documents" vol. ii., p. 82), and who died in 1738, ("Documents," vol. i., p. 690), consequently, thirteen years prior to the date of this article.

Experientiae Spirituales 4550 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4550. De blasphematore Verbi et religionis, Wolffio forte

Quidam ad sinistrum apparuit, et silentium factum, dein loquutus, et perceptum sicut esset Wolfius, postea propior factus, et tunc sphaera ab illo effusa est circum circa quasi Deus universi esset, quae sphaera diu satis perstabat, interea dixit, ad quoscunque quod maximus fuerit in terra, et non ullus sicut ipse doctus, sed non potuerunt persuaderi, responsum ei, quod talia, ex quibus doctus fuerat, fuerint solum media ad sapientiam, in quibus nihil sapientiae sit nisi applicentur, et quod potuerint media ei fuisse insaniendi, et vera apud se exstinguendi, de his etiam loquela cum eo fuit, accessit propius sed inferius, postquam sphaera illa cessavit, (dati enim ei erant tunc alii spiritus) , tunc voluit scire omnia quae in altera vita, et quoque arcana sensus interni Verbi, et hoc apparenter ex studio, aliqua etiam didicit, sed ut primum se convertit ad suos spiritus, hoc est ad suorum principiorum vitam, subsannavit illa, dictum ei quod solum ob finem magnum se faciendi illa scire vellet, et lucrandi, et quomodo cum hoc se habeat ostensum, quod appareant in ficto zelo etiam tales in mundo, praeter plura. 1752, 11 Jan.

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